chapter thirteen: who are you, amelia yeong?

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AN: the next few chapters will be a little confusing, but it will make sense... i think. thank you so much for reading this story considering that i'm kind of not updating all the time, but i will do my best to upload two chapters within a day. enjoy! let me know what you guys think about this chapter x 



I realize it has been a few months since I last messaged you. I apologize for not reaching out as frequently as I normally do. There has been a lot going on here; if you knew everything I've been up to, you would be surprised and upset. How are you? How are the children? I miss Hong Kong and dread convincing myself to go back, but I simply don't have the time right now. However, I intend to return this summer. Also, surprise, Charles isn't coming with me. I believe you already knew he wasn't coming. We haven't talked as much because he has to work away and I stay in New York to teach. Remember when that wasn't a problem for me? It now has. But I simply stopped caring at some point. Anyway, I have so much to tell you. I hope to see you soon, and this will be the last time I write you, as I believe it is too formal, don't you think? I love you and your children. See you, x.


Amelia Evie Yeong.


"Does it make sense to you?" I asked as she looked through the letters and messages from Carl, and she gazed at me with eyes filled with a mix of emotions, though not primarily surprise.

"It makes a lot of sense now," she continued, murmuring under her breath and brushing her fingers around the letter he received yesterday. "All the unexpected visits, the constant worry, the need to protect you, it makes sense now."

"Do you think she's the one stalking me?"

Her laughter was so loud, it nearly caught me off guard. "Of course, Yes! God, I was waiting for you to say something, you know? Haven't you seen the signs?" She settled on my bed and brushed her hair back from her neck.

"This could make her look like the bad guy here, Elaine. She has treated you horribly, and who knows, she may have had some advantages and disadvantages. But aside from that, simply awful."

In my defense, Amelia wasn't all that bad—at least not for me. I grasped Francis' concern for me, as my fear of being hurt was evident. But, at some point, a part of me recognized that this was bound to happen. There was no use in just stopping it; Amelia has a husband, and I was stupid enough not to believe it.

But she didn't treat me badly. In truth, she cared greatly about me. Every encounter with her, every conversation, and every moment in her presence didn't fill me with unease. Her gentle caress on my face felt delicate, and her kiss was so profound that it left a lingering memory of unparalleled taste and tenderness. And, even when she was concerned, she was not the type of stalker who would harm the victim—I was the victim, and she did not harm me. Her inability to make physical contact with me seemed to be a sign of respect from my perspective. Even though I was protecting her, I knew I shouldn't.

"I-I don't want that," I stammered, shifting my gaze to avoid the situation and come up with a plausible reason. "I prefer to keep this to myself. I'll just confront her myself."

"Are you sure that's something you want to do?"

"Will you be angry if I go back to her?"

She appeared stunned and moved closer to me, her brow furrowing. I knew what that meant: she wasn't amused. She is not fond of the idea. To be completely honest, I didn't either. But there was an undeniable pull towards Amelia, a feeling I couldn't resist. Despite my efforts to distance myself from her and suppress feelings, I always find myself inevitably drawn back to her - revealing my true nature.

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