chapter thirty: will i?

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As I gazed out of the window, it became evident that Elaine was completely absorbed in her exam. Last week, she was unable to attend due to a severe fever. I empathized with her situation, as I was feeling overwhelmed with my students. But there was something about Elaine that was simply captivating—almost irresistible, one might say. There's something about her that captivates me - the way she discusses the lessons I impart.

I glanced back at my computer and noticed her delicate cough, which instantly made my hands clench into tight fists. I don't experience anger when she makes a noise, but rather a sense of agitation whenever I find myself alone with someone.

"Don't bite your pen, it's unhygienic."

It disturbed me; I'm not sure why I felt the need to express it.

She looked up with regretful eyes and murmured, "I'm sorry. This is just a very long test."

"Indeed, it is."

Elaine persisted in her endeavor for a solid half hour before finally making her way to my desk, her paper clutched tightly in her trembling hand. I accept the paper from her and examine it. She had the majority of her answers correct, indicating that she put effort into preparing for this trimester.

"Thank you," I carefully set the paper on the stack, releasing a soft exhale. "I really hope this doesn't happen again, Elaine."

"I assure you, I will prioritize my well-being this time—I've been sacrificing sleep quite often."

"Is it because of your other schoolwork?"

"Yes," she affirmed with a nod. "My mom is also a little stiff; she makes me study ahead of time."

I couldn't help but be captivated by the intensity of her gaze, causing me to lick my lips in anticipation. "You really shouldn't do that," I declared. But I can see your commitment, you just need to master the art of time management. If you continue in this manner, there is a concern that you may not retain the information you have studied for the following day.

Elaine's smile was strained as she clutched the strap of her bag. "I apologize once more, Ms. Yeong. It won't happen again."

I waved my hand dismissively and gestured towards the door. If she extended her visit, I'm not sure I could maintain my composure. I must confess, she captivates me with her exquisite beauty and irresistible charm. It's been a while since I've witnessed such a quality in someone, and it's making me feel a bit remorseful, especially considering her young age of 19. I'm aware of her age, as I happened to overhear her friend wishing her a happy birthday. However, it's rather peculiar for me to realize upon reflection.

As soon as she was gone, I clasped both of my hands on my face. "Fuck," I murmured to myself. "What on earth am I doing?"

Brown eyes, plump lips, and silky hair.

Slender hands, a contagious smile, and a beautiful voice.

A mind full of wonder, melancholic features, and a quiet person.

Those are the things that I noticed about her, and I shouldn't. I can't help but wonder if she thinks of me the same way; maybe she doesn't. I don't mind if she doesn't; she didn't need to know what was going through my head whenever I think about her.

I felt stupid—foolish, if I have to put it that way.


"Elaine and I..." I struggled to find the right words as I attempted to express my thoughts. Her gaze bore into me, devoid of emotion, as if questioning my feelings for her daughter and reflecting on our connection. "I started our relationship from the beginning. She didn't do anything wrong; I promise you that. However, I can assure you that everything was done with consent. I hope you know that."

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