chapter thirty-one: no where to run

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Amelia experienced a sensation of dizziness. It's been a mere 9 hours, and she's already indulging in the vibrant nightlife of Hong Kong. It's unusual for her to indulge in such heavy drinking, especially considering she had just arrived from a flight and wasted no time heading to a bar after leaving her bags at Leslie's house. Her cousin expressed concern for her well-being, questioning her decision to drink after her flight. However, Amelia remained tight-lipped, choosing not to disclose her reasons, particularly in moments like these.

She politely requested another one, her voice betraying the hint of tears that threatened to spill. The bartender served her a shot of whiskey, which she promptly downed without hesitation.

As she toys with the glass, a woman catches her eye in the distance, bearing a striking resemblance to Elaine. She was taken aback by this revelation, doubting that Elaine could possibly be in Hong Kong. But the moment their gazes connected, she came to the sudden realization that she was not Elainer, for her complexion was noticeably sun-kissed.

A mischievous grin adorned the woman's face as she casually took a seat on the bar stool next to her.

"New here?"

Amelia nodded. "I've never seen this bar in Hong Kong; is this new?"

"I think this bar is 4 years old," she says, letting out a cautious laugh. "I've been a regular since."

"Not bad for its price." As Amelia asked the bartender for another drink, the woman reached out her hand and looked at her with broad eyes.

"I'm Chelsea, by the way."


"Very pretty name," she said as she held her wine glass. Amelia saw that she was wearing a black dress that was too tight around the waist and her legs were bare. She bit her bottom lip and tried to hold back the sense of anticipation that was roaring through her. You're drunk, and she's not Elaine. "Are you from here?"

"Not really. But I lived here when I was a child, so, I guess?"

"What made you come back?"

"Marriage problems," Amelia replied—she wondered if it was a lie, but technically it wasn't. "I'll be staying here for a couple of weeks."

"Couple of weeks? That's not enough, there are many great places here in Hong Kong."

"Like what, Disneyland?"

Chelsea laughed and set her glass on the counter. "I guess," she said. It crossed Amelia's mind to take her home tonight, but she knew she couldn't. She wasn't going to be honest with herself if she said she wished she were taking Elaine home tonight. "But no, Disneyland isn't the only great place out there."

"Well, I guess I should check them out before I leave."

Amelia had a deep affection for Hong Kong. As a child, she would often accompany her mother to Majong, spending countless hours playing the game together. Occasionally, they would board a train and explore the bustling streets of Hong Kong. That's why she formed a strong bond with Leslie initially; they were inseparable during her parents' absence. If given the chance, she would gladly return to this place.

Chelsea rested her hand on top of Amelia's and looked at her in the eyes. "Are you any by chance single?"

"Oh," Amelia gasped as she quickly withdrew her hand from the woman's grasp, leaving her with a perplexed and pained expression. "Um... are you..."

"Loud and proud," she chuckled, a smile playing on her lips as she gently rubbed her hand. "I gather you're not, then."

Amelia contemplated revealing her true sexual orientation to the woman, but she hesitated to establish any kind of bond with her. It meant absolutely nothing to her, forming no attachments is her way—not when her heart still belongs to Elaine.

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