chapter nine

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Once Amelia left Elaine's house, she made her way to the backdoor and paused. She notices her parents seated in the dining area, their faces filled with concern. As her mother came closer, she gently placed her hand on her cheek and peered into her eyes.

She exclaimed, "What's gotten into you?!" as she felt her cheeks turning ice cold. ""God, I thought I could trust you while you were away! You didn't even bother to text or call me–"


She shook her head, releasing her grip on her face and crossing her arms tightly around herself. "You're not allowed to defend yourself. You were being reckless, and you are aware of the regulations in this house. Who did you eventually end up staying with?"

Elaine's mind went completely empty. She was at a loss for words when facing her mother, unable to reveal where she had spent the night. Why are you in a relationship with your teacher? Do you think she's taking advantage of you? Elaine, you're aware that she's older than you! Think for yourself! She pondered silently, articulating her mother's words as if they were being spoken in the present moment.

"I'm sorry for not calling."

"You still haven't responded to my question."

Don't tell her the truth. "Mom, I assure you that I'm okay. I was just..." glancing at her father, he eyed her doubtfully with a cup of tea in hand. Looking once more at her mother, who was on the verge of losing her temper, she understood her frustration. "Mom, I'm sorry–"

"Elaine!" her brother, Alex, shouted from the living room as she heard the front door open. "Francis has arrived! And she even brought breakfast!"

Elaine's mother shifted her focus from her daughter to Francis, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. Elaine overhears Francis apologizing to Monica. "I had just gone out to pick up some groceries."

"Any clue where Elaine was last night?"

Elaine and Francis exchanged a meaningful look. Obviously, Francis was aware of her whereabouts last night. However, she was overcome with guilt when she observed Elaine's expression.

"She actually stayed over at my place," Francis reassured Monica, gently touching her arm. "I'm sorry for not texting you last night about that, Monica. It's not going to happen again. Last night, we were out partying and too drunk to send any messages."

Monica lets out a deep sigh and takes a seat, placing her hand on her forehead as if she has just cracked a case. She shouted in frustration, "You girls must text me constantly while you're away. And Elaine, I had higher expectations for you. I'm always concerned about you, especially with us living in New York."

Elaine was hesitant to retaliate. She placed her hands on her lap and softly said, "I'm sorry, Mom. It's not going to happen again. I will text you when I am gone from now on."

"All well, but you'll be grounded for two days. You can't leave the house," she insisted, eyeing the two girls. Francis couldn't contain her laughter, prompting Elaine to playfully jab her in the side.

"Quiet," Elaine murmured with an eye roll.

"I'm sorry, but my parents don't even bother grounding me anymore."

"You've been a great friend to my daughter, so why wouldn't they?" Monica said it with a smile on her face. Elaine observes her father exiting the kitchen and can't shake her curiosity about his emotions. Their relationship had changed as she entered her teenage years, and he had grown more distant since then. She would not even give him a second thought if he were having an affair, given that she no longer perceives them to be particularly close. But she's too preoccupied with her education and with the woman who occupies her thoughts all day to dwell on these matters.

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