Part 6 The best

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How could Zhou Yueshen not notice how busy he was? He's supposed to have a pig farm, so meat shouldn't be scarce. Yet the three children are as thin as monkeys. No wonder this old woman harbors such animosity toward me. Taking care of these two children here, she could make quite a profit! Siniang took a deep breath and poured out all the meat, eggs, and flour. Liu Shen, who came in to collect the dishes, screamed, "What are you doing?!" Siniang sneered, "Of course, I'm cooking. What's wrong? Do you have a problem?" Liu Shen choked up, feeling guilty as she looked at the slab of fat on the cutting board, feeling as if her heart were bleeding. This meat was delivered by Zhou Yueshen this morning, and she couldn't bear to eat it. She never expected this woman to find out! If she says anything now and this woman reports it to Zhou Yueshen when he comes back, she'll be finished.

Liu Shen wasn't foolish; naturally, she couldn't admit that the meat was hers. She gritted her teeth and said, "You're really a wasteful woman. Just arrived and already so greedy." Siniang didn't get angry but instead chuckled, "Wasteful is fine. After all, if I weren't wasteful, this meat might have ended up in someone else's mouth. Don't you think?" Liu Shen was shocked and furious but dared not say more. She angrily left the dishes behind and stormed off. This woman was different from the one who came before; she had no way of dealing with her. This situation was definitely not beneficial for her. Liu Shen clenched her teeth, determined to find a way to get rid of this woman. As she walked out of the kitchen and saw the silent Zhou Yuedong and his brother, she glanced around and whispered, "Yuedong, Yueshan, look, this is the stepmother your uncle got for you. She's already so arrogant just after arriving today. Who knows, in a few days, she might ask your father to kick you three out! Be careful." Zhou Yuedong tightened his grip on his sister's hand. Liu Shen knew that although Zhou Yueshen wasn't good at taking care of the children, he still cared deeply about their lives. If the children expressed dissatisfaction with Siniang, she wouldn't be able to stay. After all, Zhou Yueshen had found someone to take care of the children. If she couldn't do that, why would she stay?

Thinking that Siniang wouldn't stay for long, Liu Shen felt some of her frustration dissipate and left swaggeringly. "Wuwu, brother, Xiao Han doesn't want to be kicked out," the younger Xiao Han whimpered, frightened. Ever since they came to this family, they knew that the women who came were all bad people, none of them treated them well. Now another one had come, and she wanted to drive them away. What were they going to do? Zhou Yuedong tightened his jaw, not saying a word, but his gaze was deep. Only the clueless Yao Yao sat in his arms, tugging at his clothes. Siniang had no idea what the two brothers were thinking. With Liu Shen gone, she felt much more at ease. She poured flour into a basin, added water, and began kneading the dough. After kneading it until smooth, she let it ferment. Then she chopped the fatty and lean meat into minced meat, seasoned it with salt and MSG. Since there weren't many vegetables in the house, she decided to steam some meat buns. The ingredients she had on hand were fresh. After the dough fermented well, she kneaded it again and started wrapping it. Outside, the three children were unusually quiet, not making a fuss like children from other families, devoid of any liveliness. Siniang remembered the little Dou Ding, so she beat two eggs with a little salt and warm water, planning to steam some smooth eggs in the pot along with the buns for the children to eat.

Altogether, she made a dozen or so meat buns, using up all the meat filling. The remaining dough was shaped into plain steamed buns. It was a pity there was no sugar at home; otherwise, sweet steamed buns would have been exceptionally soft and delicious. Kids loved them the most.

Sinen had been up early, and until now, she hadn't eaten anything, feeling dizzy from hunger.

Fortunately, the buns cooked quickly. Soon enough, the enticing aroma wafted through the air.

Sinen swallowed her saliva and realized it was about time. She reached out and lifted the lid. In that instant, a wave of hot steam rose, filling the entire room with the savory scent of meat buns.

Made with top-quality flour and a mix of lean and fatty meat, the meat buns were the best.

"So fragrant, so fragrant!" Outside, Zhou Yue Han, who had been doing his homework, suddenly stood up, his eyes gleaming like a famished wolf cub, staring fixedly in the direction of the kitchen, his mouth watering.

At an age when both children were growing, they only ate two meals a day, and it was just plain rice porridge. They weren't even remotely full. They went to bed hungry every night.

Just now, Zhou Yuehan caught a whiff of the meaty aroma. He thought he was imagining it because he was craving meat.

But now, the scent was unmistakable, wafting through the entire house. He watched as the beautiful woman carried a big bowl of buns, each as big as an adult man's fist, out of the kitchen. Steam rose from them, and the aroma was irresistible.

Even the more composed Zhou Yuedong couldn't help but glance over repeatedly.

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now