Part 68 The old man's emotional look

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Sini was taken aback by his sudden change of topic but quickly realized what he meant and smiled, "Alright."

Zhou Yueshen paused, seeming surprised by her easy acceptance. "Once we register our marriage, there's no turning back," he warned, his voice deep.

"Why would I regret it?" Sini asked earnestly.

Zhou Yueshen hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have three children, and they're not young anymore."

"That's perfect then. I'm not keen on having children myself. I actually prefer older ones. I've heard older kids are more affectionate," Sini said, smiling happily.

Zhou Yueshen was taken aback. Her thoughts were so different from other women he had met. Had city people become this open-minded? The women he'd met before either ran away at the mention of not wanting children or insisted on having their own. But she hadn't mentioned anything like that. This made their interactions so much more relaxed.

He realized his hand was still on her slender waist, their position quite intimate. Zhou Yueshen had never lost control like this over a woman before, something he hadn't expected from himself. Yet, he didn't regret it.

The feeling of holding her in his arms was something he had never experienced before. A mere touch sent shivers down his spine, a sensation he had never felt in his life.

Zhou Yueshen stared at Sini's delicate face. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, flawless from every angle. Being this close to her made her beauty even more breathtaking.

She wasn't someone who could be easily defined by society's standards, yet she was willing to accept herself, flaws and all, even if others couldn't.

Zhou Yueshen's deep eyes softened. "Give me a couple of days. Once I'm done with this busy period, I'll make time."

He knew all too well what he had lost for the sake of work, what he had sacrificed. He couldn't hurt her like he had hurt his children.

Sini nodded, not thinking much about it. She was someone who adapted to her circumstances. However, with his words, she suddenly remembered something crucial.

"Zhou Yueshen, my household registration hasn't been transferred back yet."

If her household registration wasn't transferred back, they would have to use the Si family's household registration for their marriage registration. That wouldn't be ideal; they needed to sort it out quickly.

Transferring household registrations wasn't too troublesome with cooperation from both sides.

But there was no need to worry. Judging by how eager the Si family was to marry off their daughter, they were probably already thinking about transferring the registration. She hadn't mentioned it earlier because she felt guilty about the arranged marriage.

Zhou Yueshen nodded, "I'll go with you when we do it."

Considering the last time the Si family came to cause trouble, it seemed they weren't easy to deal with. Given that it concerned their marriage, Zhou Yueshen wouldn't take it lightly.

When Sini returned home, her face was still flushed. Zhou Yueshen followed behind her. He had heard that their two children were frightened, so he came along as well.

After discussing things, their relationship took a significant step forward. But the atmosphere inevitably became more ambiguous, especially when they were alone. Sini often found herself thinking about the moment she had sat in his embrace.

Although she didn't know Zhou Yueshen very well, she was aware that he wasn't easily moved. That's why he hadn't brought up the topic of getting their marriage certificate. Sini guessed he was giving her time to reconsider.

This also indicated that she wasn't a priority in his heart. She was someone who could leave at any moment. She had thought that wooing an older man would be a long journey. Unexpectedly, his sudden initiative caught her off guard.

However, she had to admit that the way he showed affection didn't disappoint her. The hormones were literally skyrocketing. Just sitting on his lap made her blush and her heart race. If things went further...

Wait, what was she thinking?

Had she forgotten that Zhou Yueshen couldn't go that far?

Emotionally, things seemed manageable, but physically...

Sini mourned the impending loss of her nighttime activities. What difference was there between a normal woman without a night life and a widow? The pain of seeing but not being able to touch was unbearable. Clearly, her condition needed immediate attention.

Sini took out her money, planning to spend a good amount on some tonics...

"Can't have your cake and eat it too," she thought.

While Sini was counting her assets, there was a knock on the door. She quickly hid her money and said, "Come in."

She expected it to be Yaoya, but to her surprise, it was Zhou Yueshen. Since the incident where she felt exposed, Zhou Yueshen had become more cautious. He always knocked a few times and waited for her response before entering.

Sini looked up at him and noticed he was holding something in his hand. Each time she saw her queen-sized bed replaced with a pink floral bedsheet, the ethereal drapes, and the sweet yet not overpowering scent of women's fragrances that Zhou Yueshen seemed to prefer, she still found it a bit strange.

There was even a small sheepskin rug on the floor. Sini's dainty feet stepped on it before she slipped into her slippers, every move catching Zhou Yueshen's attention.

"Have the kids calmed down?" Sini hadn't forgotten the pale faces of their two children after the last incident.

Zhou Yueshen nodded slightly and took a couple of steps closer, lowering his voice as he spoke, "They're fine now."

Reborn in the 1980s: I became a stepmother in the 1980sWhere stories live. Discover now