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This chapters like only filler, lmao. But I wanna publish something 4 u guys.

[Luca POV]

Jacob had the next day off, and I just really wanted to be held. I had a really bad dream about my dad. I was almost 8 and had stopped showering in hopes my dad would stop wanting anything to do with me.
"Get your ass in the bathtub before I beat you," He threatened me during one of his weekends. I was scared of him hitting me, but I figured I'd rather him beat me than rape me. So I just shrugged and chewed on my fingers.
"Don't you give me that attitude. I'll drown you in that bathtub before I let you stay fucking dirty," He growled, grabbing me by my upper arm. I didn't resist him dragging me to the bedroom. I just resisted my meltdown from him touching me.

He stripped me down and made me stand there for the whole time that the bathtub took to fill. I spent the whole bath with my legs closed and my knees up to my chest.
"Put your legs down, little boy," He demanded, grabbing soap to scrub me down with. I think we all can figure out what happened while he did that, or at least the general gist of what happened.

So when I woke up, I only wanted my Daddy to love on me.
"Dady!" I whined, softly smacking his arm to get his attention.
"Ah-ah, don't hit," He reminded me, making me pout and whine. I wasn't trying to hit him to hurt him, I just wanted Dady's attention. I was already feeling fragile emotionally, so I just started crying.
"Shhhh, baby. Come here," He whispered, pulling me onto his lap.
"Dady," I whined, starting to bite him. He didn't scold me for biting. I think he felt bad enough about telling me not to hit that he didn't want to tell me not to bite either.
"My little baby," He cooed, rocking me from side to side.

He put on baby sensory videos, which instantly made me intently focus on them. They were fruit. And they danced. And the music made me happy. So I rocked myself to them and babbled and giggled.
"Mine," I whispered. I didn't say it because I thought it was only mine. I just said it because that's a word that I knew. And I wanted to make noise. But it made Dady giggle.
"You're so silly," He commented as he typed on his phone. I wanted to be nosey, so I turned my head and stared at his phone screen. It was just his messages with someone, but I didn't know who.
"Can't read it," I mumbled, laying back down against Dady and starting to watch the sensory videos again.
"I'm just texting Carter," He told me, making me instantly wanna go see him.
"Go?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes.
"Baby, you don't go see Carter anymore," He reminded me, making me pout.
"Go," I said again.
"If we go, we're just visiting. Okay?" He reminded me, making me nod.

He asked Carter if we could come over cause I wanted to. And it only took about 5 minutes for him to say yes. So, Daddy helped me get my shoes on.
"Sippy," I whined, trying to find it while Daddy tied his sneakers.
"It's on the table," He told me, making me toddle over and grab it.
"Lemme put juice it in," He commented as he walked over, taking it from my hand and filling it with orange juice. I spent the whole car ride biting on my sippy cup and just kinda being in my own little world. We pulled up, and I snapped into reality when Daddy turned off the car.
"Out!" I exclaimed, letting Daddy u buckle me before opening my door and carefully sliding out of the truck.

I ran up to the front door, knocking on it roughly before Dady even shut his driver side door. I stimmed and bit my sippy until the front door opened. And by the time Dady had walked up next to me and was waiting, too.
"Carter!" I instantly exclaimed when I saw him, quickly hugging him. I heard him and Dady laugh.
"Hey, Luca. You missed me, huh?" He asked, making me nod before pulling away.
"Up?" I asked, almost instantly. Carter was old enough he gave off dad energy. Like, genuine dad energy that I just naturally gravitated to when I was little. He scooped me up, making me giggle and clap before sitting on the couch next to Dady.

"You been doing anything fun lately?" Carter asked me. After a long while of him and Dady talking, Dady had to go pee.
"Go work.. with Dady," I answered, taking a little longer to form sentences than normal.
"Really? I bet you have so much fun there. Where's your Daddy work?" He asked. I love it when people make it obvious they're interested in my conversation, which Carter is great at doing.
"Fire. With the truck..." I explained.
"He's a fire fighter?" Carter gasped, making me grin and nod. Jacob came back in, wiping his hands on his shirt before sitting back down next to me.
"Dady!" I shouted, clapping again.
"Baby!" He gasped in the same tone as he picked up a pack of cigarettes from the table. I'm sure he just does it occasionally, but the second he opened it, I got such an intense craving to smoke.

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