Chapter 3

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I woke the next and I wasn't wrapped in the same areas I slept in, I turn to see where was and the bed was empty. I got, went to brush my teeth, wash my face and wore one of his tshirts, I know I should be mad at him but I didn't really bring any covering pyjamas so this will have to do. I went to the kitchen and saw his plate from last night washed and dried on the rack and I blushed. I snapped out of it and took out everything I needed to make breakfast, I then made him a cup of coffee just the way he likes it, listen mad or not he's my man, I need to feed him because if I don't someone else will. I put everything down on the tray and walked down the passage, as I was walking I heard a voice from the study so I knocked on the door entered.

Nkosi: Well fix it!!

He hissed on the phone before dropping it, he turned around and my oh my I almost forgot I was still mad, my knees buckled. He looked like he just came back from gym by the look of his outfit and what I assumed were sweat marks. I could feel him intensely looking at me as I continued walking in until I reached his desk and quietly placed the tray down, only saying "Sawubona Nkosinathi", I know how much he hates it when I call by his full name and he can't really do anything now because it's his fault we're here. I turned back and headed for the door when I felt a gentle but firm hand lean me against the very door. I feel his gaze on me, he wants me to look at him because he knows his eyes are my weakness. I try as much as possible not to budge and not look at him directly. He continues to look and finally speaks

Him: Sawubona MaBhengu
He whispers into my ear and I feel shivers go down my spine.

Him: Imagine sorry Mama we khaya, I shouldn't have left you, I thought it was going to be quick.

Me: You should have called bengikhathazekile ngawe.

Him: Ngiyazi Sthandwa Sam, ngiyaxolisa.

Him: Last night's dinner was delicious kodwa ayingisuthisanga.
He says with a grin.

Just then his phone rings, he doesn't answer it.

Me: Bamba iphone yakho.

Him: Uyangixolela?

I don't answer and the phone continues to ring but it doesn't bug him, I finally break.

Me: Yebo ngiyakuxolela, bamba iphone.

He gives me a kiss, one that leaves me a bit breatheless, he notices this and I feel a smirk form, he moves back and answers the call and I use the opportunity to escape. As I'm walking away I turn back

Me: Idla ibreakfast uzosutha

I see him look up and an arch forms on his eyes. I quickly rush away while giggling.

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