Chapter 1

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The same low white wall that serves nothing to contain students inside. The same old oak that has spread its canopy just a little more. The same football field with a different team (same uniform) running around aimlessly. The same Dunhill in between my fingers. Well, I had quit trying to puff circles this year, if that even matters.

And next to me is none other than Molly. She hasn't changed much either, except for her hair which has gone longer over the summer. Her shoulder bumps mine, a side effect of the flock cheering the new football team. And the short one strikes a goal, triggering waves of shouts and noises. Damn, where are the noise-cancelling earphones?

There are 5 of us-tall Molly (because there is another 'short' Molly in school). Dan(de)Lion, not his real surname( his father owns the Lion Corporation )and...we added the 'De' for ease of pronunciation. Then we have Robert or Roberto who loves Italian food and is working part-time at an Italian restaurant just for free dinner. Sarah with an H because,you guessed it, there is another Sara without an H. And me, Dylan. Just that.

I don't remember since when we have been together but they are always there in all of my living memories, so that's that. And this white wall has been in memory of my entire educational journey, which ends, sadly, today. We are all heading to college, the biggest in the country that offers multiple courses, and my friends just 'happened' to find their dream majors in the same college. Especially Molly. Fashion designing??? I mean, when have sweatshirts and jeans count as fashion? That's comfort, isn't it?

The practice game ends. Our u spoken agreement of departure time is here. But I push another minute memorizing this ground,and that building. Feels deflating and not to mention,stupid.
"Let's go" they all snap out of their daze and swing their leg to the other side of wall. As usual,Molly extends her hands to me, demanding to be carried off the wall. But her face is solum. I cup her armpits and carry her to the ground. Then bend down to see her face,which she turns around sniffling.
"You can stay if you want...I believe the kindergarten intake is still open?!?!Although,they don't sell diapers-ouch" She punch my chest. The others burst into laugh.
"Was hoping to save fashion but only God can do that now" Molly laughs as well,heading to the Hummer.

We stayed in a nearby motel for the night and the next day went to the college. It is truly huge, like a small island huge. I had come for site visit once since,well,the college was my choice. The others saw it only in brochures.
"There is your lecturer. Salute her" I whisper to Molly and knocked from her daze,she raised her hand to her head in a hurry. The girl in front with an impractical low neck top and mini skirt has a student tag stuck between her cleavage.
"Ops,my bad" I said and earn a glare from Molly.
The next day,we crossed the parking lot together and split into 3 different direction. Molly's faculty is before mine and so,we went together. Her class is eye achingly colorful. And I have never been eye fucked by this many at the same time. Grunting a "see you after class", I walked away. Mathematics faculty was entirely different. All white and gray with scant pop of color here and there.
"Hi" the squeak took me by surprise and there is a tiny creature standing by my side.
"Hi" I say,looking straight into her eyes
"I'm Cardi" she extends her hand and I considered my options before staying still. She withdraw awkwardly. I raise an eyebrow in question and she gulps and somehow decided it will be wise to start talking.
"I'm a freshman here. Mathematical degree" she said.
"So?" please keep quiet. Please keep quiet.
She smiles "Well, I will be here for the next 3 years. See you" she wiggles a bye and walks away.WTF is that supposed to mean?
"This is not my day"I mumbled to myself and plop down a seat in the back row of the auditorium.Cardi stopped,looked over her shoulder and sat in the seat right in front of me.


Days turned weeks,weeks turned into months. College life is starting to settle in. Dorms all sorted out. To my left is Sarah and Molly,right to me is Roberto and Dandelion. I paid a little extra to get single room in the middle. A single and big room. Most of the times,the other 4 hangs out here. We return home every weekend, rattle each other to our parents, go back home, sleep and whatever we want to do next. For example,I will go MIA into the woods.

Cardi has become close to Sarah and we often bicker about her coming to our dorm rooms to hang out. Once I walked out and stayed out all night before her visits stopped. I just need to figure out how to get rid of her during lunch time.

Don't get me wrong,she is a nice girl. Topper in the class,always wears a smile, helpful to other students etc. But she tends to ' accidentally ' bump into me. I can avoid looking at her body but I can't ignore the feeling of 2 soft balls pressing against my back or her warmth lapping my sides during lunch, now can I? With my medical condition, it is really annoying. And I'm tired of it.

It's hard enough that my girls, Sarah and Molly, are growing up. Ya,they have been going through major changes ever since they started college. No more sweatshirt and jeans. Crop top, cute dresses and skirts are regular now and I just realized that they too have a killer body. I try not to think too much of it but when you are spending so much time in the same room,it gets difficult. Molly really got on my nerves with her latest shopping spree. A proper button up shirt that she had to leave unbuttoned at the top. Too many unbuttoned buttons that her cleavage flashing through. That's it. I reached out and buttoned the shirt all the way up to her neck. Her eyes widened in surprise.
"I don't like you dressing like a slut" I said low and she fiddled with her fingers for a bit before nodding.

I'm CONCERNED about both the girls. The gang they are getting around in classes are... DIFFERENT. They hug each other too much, squeeze bypassing girls boobs, call each other 'WIFEY'??? I mean,I can tolerate darling and honey but 'WIFEY'??

Amber Woods with Molly & DylanWhere stories live. Discover now