Chapter 11

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There is a knock on the door. My blurry clock says it's 1 am with a tiny scribble of 'Friday' at the bottom. I shuffle to the door, finding Molly on the other side. Judging from how glassy and doey her eyes are, she hasn't gone to sleep. 

"Molly?" I seriously need a drink of water right now. Pops out Sarah behind her, who goes wide eye immediately.

"Woooow... Someone has been hiding behind jackets and jeans..." she tried and failed to whistle.
"Doesn't he..." Molly coos. I roll my eyes, open the door slightly wider, and let in the 2. No wait, 4.

"What are you guys doing up at this time?" I ask, sliding a t-shirt onto my bare top. 

"Girls night out" Cardi giggled, which seemed off. And smelled off.

"Are you girls drunk?"

Molly stumbled to my chest, swiping away Cardi's hand, that is trying to lift my shirt. 

"A little..." she pinched her thumb and forefinger. Guessing from the smell, those fingers should be at least a foot apart.

"But you guys don't drink. " I panned to Sarah, trying to stabilize Cardi and Molly in both of my hands. 

Sarah shrugged. She seemed to be the only one with cognitive function right now " Molly have something important to talk to you about. She dragged all of us here. If it was not for her, we would have gone to bed in our dorms by now." she said, plopping on a bean bag next to where Laura had crashed a few minutes ago. And now Cardi. 

"I need to talk to you" hiccups  "about Amber Woods–" 

"Now is not the time" This is getting out of hand. "Let's just go to sleep" I pulled her but she swatted my hand away, scrunching her face.

"That is not nice, Dylan" she pouted.

Oh no, she is going to throw a tantrum and spill something. And Sarah is–

Kissing Laura. On the lips. Well technically, Laura is kissing Sarah, straddling her on the bean bag.

First Molly and now Sarah? Unlike Molly, Sarah–she is enjoying it–and returning it. What on earth is going on here? Sarah's hands start moving up Laura's shirt. I guess she is not in her right mind after all. I sat Molly on my bed and rushed to Sarah.

"Oh no. Not happening"  I grabbed Laura's waist from behind and lifted her away from Sarah.  Setting Laura on the nearby chair, I caught a glimpse of Sarah. Biting her lips. Legs squeezed together. Eyes heavy and dark. Her lips were a little agape, breathing through her mouth. Her nails dig into the sides of the bean bag. A side I had never seen before. She was never interested in any boys. So obviously, no boyfriends. And a little tomboyish. Always the one to take control of the situation. If she needs to loosen up, I need to be there, or else, she is always cautious of her surroundings.

"Sarah...go to your room. I will take care of them" I said and she inhaled deep before nodding. At the door, I grabbed her arm.

"Don't overthink. You are a little drunk" on the early morning of Friday. I still can't believe how these 4 managed to get away with this.

"Take a shower and go to sleep, Ok?" I said and she nodded. I waited outside my room until she had gone into hers and locked them. 

I scanned through my room, scratching the back of my head. Molly had made herself comfortable in my bed, building a bond with my bolster. Laura had moved to the bean bag, using it as a pillow. And Cardi using my backpack as–a pillow?!?!

I will deal with this later.

Stepping over Cardi's leg, I slide next to Molly, looking up at the ceiling. She mumbled something and Cardi actually snored. I should take a video of that. (Cough cough–I did–cough)

After 30 minutes, I still couldn't sleep. I need my bolster. This is so uncomfortable. I sat up, reaching for my bolster and pulling it out. God, this girl got a death hug!!! I grunted and pulled a little harder and she let go.
Turned to my chest and hugged me.

"Molly" I whispered, trying to pry her hand. She whimpered, which got me all alarmy and I stopped. "Ok Ok...Shh..Go back to sleep" I whispered and she yawned a "I'm not sleepy".  She twisted the neckline of my t-shirt into her index finger.



 "Did you like me? "

 "Of course I like you. A little less now but–" 

"I mean in the woods. Did you like, you know, 'IT' with me?" she whispered but her question slapped a ghost in me. I looked around and the other 2 were sound asleep.
"You don't?" She pressed, peeping up from my chest. But I didn't answer, shut down by the memory of her body...The skin tone...her little gasps.

Shut it, Dylan!!!

She whined and pushed herself up.
"Where–where are you going?" I sat up as well, holding her in place.
"Let me go" she whimpered, pushing me away.
"I want to go to my room," she said.

"No, you can't" I pulled and she started throwing feeble punches to my chest. 

"Molly..." I whined. Right at that moment, Cardi shot up, sitting on the floor and eyes wide awake.

"Skittles? Skittles skittles skittles" She rambled with grabby hands towards the window. The full moon stares at her back, not bothered to come down. Then, she dropped back down–just fall with a thump– and went back to sleep, mumbling something about cat eating–skittles?!?!

I sighed. This is going to be a long night. 

Molly, all wide-eyed and flustered, plastered to my chest and fists my t-shirt in her palms. 

"Is she dead?" she whispered in a baby slur.

"Ahhh...Hope not..." she looked up at me and froze. Froze at my lips. Moments later, she craned for me, my lips. I jerk back.

"What are you doing?" she pauses and then reaches up faster, coming for me. I jerked back too much and lost my balance, and fell on my bed. In a snap, she is on top of me. Her palms are flat by my head and I don't like the way she bites her lips.


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