Chapter 10

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I wake up to a bump on my chest. 


Somehow she is caged in my spooning hug. The dawning morning has leaked into the cabin. Not a big surprise, given two of the four walls are made of glass. Just like the rays, Molly sluggishly pulled herself out of my hug and sat on the edge of the bed. On the other hand, I decided to pretend to be sleeping but didn't miss her checking on me before she finally decided to walk to the bathroom. A series of flushes and showers follows. I wouldn't have imagined Molly being an early person. The appetite to pretend dwindles and I shuffle, leaning my back to the headboard. She was startled when she walked out of the bathroom and found me wide awake on the bed. Tucked a strand of hair behind her ears and started picking clothes from the floor. My boring eyes made her uncomfortable, that much I could tell but she pretended cool. Once she had found all four pieces of her dress, she sat at the edge of the bed, slipping into her panties. 

So this  IS going to be awkward. 

Not acceptable. I grabbed her elbow from behind and pulled myself to her neck

 "I heard there are hungry wolves in this part of the woods at this time" I whisper, nestling my chin to the groove of her neck. She giggles at the tickle.

"Stop" I went with her push, removing my chin and lying next to her butt on my stomach, drawing circles on her thigh.

"You still want to run away?" her hand froze mid of buckling her bra. A sigh. A click of the tongue. She turned around.

"I'm sorry, ok?" sorry??? that is...

"I know I'm new to this" she circled her hand around the bed. what THIS?

"But I promise, I won't pass out again the next time" her eyes are pleading but I am genuinely flabbered. Next time?

"Next time?" I say and she slaps her hand on the bed and shoots up.

"See!!! You are backing out of our deal just because I passed out on you, without you getting to climax. In my defense, you weren't easy " I blinked at her, processing what she was spitting. 

Oh ya, she didn't see me finishing on her. That part I understand but the rest?

"Say something!!!" she exasperates. I gulp "Next time?" she rolls her eyes 

"Well, we still have 9 trials, duh!!! You know for a mathemagician, you are not that good at counting" 

OHHHHHH...So, that is what she meant. The random number I threw out to stall her. But...but...

She kneeled before me, cupped my cheeks, and kissed me...soft, just the bottom lip. A tremble in her lips, lets my lips slip off easily.  

"I promise I won't pass out next time, ok" I open my eyes, forcing myself to reality, which is her pinky finger in my view.

"And how are you planning to do that?" 

What the hell are you blabering now???

She flustered "I don't know but I will find a way. Come..." she pulled me to sit, picked my clothes, and passed me one by one. I slipped into my underwear, then jeans, and the rest.

 My brain is not braining. 

The world is not moving.

 I just sat there, replaying what she had said. Molly came and stood in front, running her fingers through my hair in an attempt to tidy them. When she was happy, she cupped my face, gave a peck on my cheek, and said "I promise".
We are out of the cabin before the sun can laugh at me.

" You said next time, didn't you?" She nodded for the 10th time or so, a little annoyed now. Her house came and she jumped out of the car. Her parents thought I was bringing her from college, my parents knew I would have gone to the woods if I'm not home on weekends. Just like that, we went back to the usual Sunday.

Molly and I didn't talk that much during our trip back but Roberto and Dandelion had many questions for me.
'How did I settle our little fight?'
'If it's settled, why are we still in an awkward phase?'
'What is the problem between us to begin with?'
I didn't have any answer for them, neither did I bother. And from the rear mirror, I could tell Molly was also being interrogated by Sarah.

It will take another 2 days before things get back to normal. Molly sits with me in the cafeteria. And I started waiting for her at the junction like I usually would.

It is taking her some time today and I could really use a puff now.

No, not here. Only on weekends, away from others.

Where is this girl? Oh, there she is, with Laura tagging her along. A very agitated Laura. She tries to block Molly, grabbing her hand which gets tossed away again and again. But more importantly, she's stressing Molly out.

And for God's sake, what the fuck is she wearing!!! A skirt that is just an inch away from her crotch and a crop top? Why not just walk around in a bikini?

As if hearing my mental roar, she stops dead seeing me there. Laura follows her eyeline and gasps, before straightening herself. I took a step forward and she took a step back.
"I'll see you later, honey" she mumbles, already a foot turned to run. Run she did.
"What is she doing with you?" I asked and Molly turned her head to the front, done observing Laura run like an injured cat.
"She is not happy...because... I broke up with her" Molly mumbled to herself. I couldn't help the stupid grin on my face.
"Oh, so you were a couple? Molly and Laura, sitting on a tree" she punched my arm and chuckled.
"Did I miss the chance of a lifetime? Threesome with the lesbian couple of the year?" I'm already at a safe distance by the time Molly starts chasing me. She caught me and we walked to the cafeteria together, laughing at each other. Until Sarah blocked our way at the cafeteria doors, pissed as hell, arms crossed. We exchanged a look and turned to her.
"What?" I ask and she studies both our faces before panning down. I followed her and realized how stupid I am in reality.
I am holding Molly's hand. Not just rubbing or twined fingers, but her entire hand in mine.
My heart beats fast. But showing that means admitting there is something between us. So I choose to pretend.
"Just hands!!!So what?"
Sarah tapped her feet to the ground a few times, rolling her tongue to her inner cheeks. Then she drops her hands, ultimately the topic, and walks into the cafeteria.
That was close. Molly sat next to me.
And...Cardi drops on the other side.
Arghhh!!! This was a boy-dominant group. Now, there are more girls than boys.

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