Chapter 3

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It took me 5 days to gather all the information we needed. Yesterday, I took Molly to the swimming pool. Then the gym. Today, we are at the soccer field with a bag of pistachios and a scribbled list inside my palm. 

She peeps in "How can you understand anything from that handwriting?"
Ignoring her, I carried on"That's Micheal, the topper in my list" she perks up. And then comes the smile. Girl likes what she sees.
"Told you so"
"That you are not into girls." I flick her nose and she pokes her tongue out. Then gets back to eyeing the quarterback player.
"6 foot 2 inch tall"
"Isn't that too tall?"
"You might have to climb on something to give him access, yes, he is tall"
"Pass" Ugh!! This girl is so difficult. She had rejected basically all the boys I had shown for petty reasons. Too much muscle mass, too much hair, too heavy for her, fingers too thin. Bloody fucking fingers!!! God hopes at least the next 2 meet her expectations.
I handed her the handful of pistachios I had already de-shelled while she was still struggling with the 3rd from a handful she grabbed earlier.
"This is George. Fingers good?" she nods, nibbling the pistachio I gave.
" Not too tall, not too fat"
"He is too skinny!!! How is he going to carry and keep my legs up?" Valid point.
"Ya, and he has body odor too" girls talk–everywhere.

Molly looked at me, before hooking her arms through mine and pulling me close to her, dipping her nose behind my ears. Her breath ghosts over there. The tip of her nose pokes gently. And I might be delusional but she moans softly, very low.

Don't go there, Dylan...

"Are yours considered as body odor? Because, if yes, I like it" With the power of my index finger,  I push her forehead away.

"No, I am wearing a perfume. Now, focus." she didn't unhook her arms but yes, back on the business. 

"This is Zach,  your best bet in terms of getting an orgasm. Rumors have it that he can go for 10 minutes straight" I add, handing her another handful of pistachios. 

"10 minutes of what?" now, that caught me off guard. "tt–tt–ten minutes of intercourse, of course"

"Oh" her face seems down "Is that enough?" she asks.

"If everything else before that is done well, then yes, 10 minutes should be enough"

"Is he good at the 'before' part"

"How should I know?"

"You are the one who went researching"

"I gathered all these from eavesdropping. Not by interviewing them" That's it. She got on my last nerves. And I had only a handful of pistachio shells in my hand.

"How long do you last?" and I threw the shells in her face, stood up and I'm out, skipping down the benches we had been sitting on for the past 1 hour or so.



"How long?" I halt in my tracks. A small smile tugged at the corner of my mouth.

"2-3 hours" she gasped behind me and I carried on in my way, with a bigger smile.

Later that day, a series of messages rattled my phone, earning a glare from the professor in front.

Molly: Dylan...

Me: What?

Molly: Can you be my experiment?

Me: What???

Molly: The 10 experiment?

Me: WHAT????

Molly: Dylan!!! Enough whatting me

Me: ok, how about NOOOO and you are a crazy, lunatic

Molly: Think about it, you're not too big or skinny, not too tall or short, have good body odor and you seem to know what is good 'before'. Plus, you last for hours...

Molly: Dylan

Molly: Hey....


I switch the phone to airplane mode and pocket them, twisting the door and there she is. Hand on her hip, steaming through her ears, thankfully decently dressed.

"No" there, I have said it to her face and be gone, witch.

"And why not? Am I not attractive enough for the great, 2-3 hours, Dylan?" she pulled back the fabric of her halter neck top behind, outlining everything underneath. I slapped my forehead and walked away.

"Dylan" she throttles behind me. We need to talk and it needs to be somewhere private. Right at the curb of the parking lot, I stopped and turned around. The breeze got her hair all messy and flapping across her face. She is breathless, trying to clear her face.

"We are friends Molly. Best friends. I cannot fuck you just for the sake of an experiment and believe me, you will hate me afterward and nothing will be the same again" I said.

"I am not asking you to treat me any different than you already do, Dylan. We don't have to talk about our experiment outside of your room. And frankly, I don't feel safe being with a total stranger" she said.

"My room??? "she has been thinking about this, hasn't she? The location? What happens after sex? Probably what excuse we are gonna say to the other 3? And for God Haven's sake, maybe even the sex itself.

Don't go there, Dylan...

She fiddled with her bag straps. Oh, she has been thinking about me, alright. And my little brother is twitching now.

 Thanks Molly.

I can't lose Molly, my friend. This is a mistake. I should have just kept quiet. 

"You know what? Go back to Laura" This is the best. For me at least. And in a way, for her too.

"Let's forget this whole thing ever happened and we can go back to being normal" What was supposed to be a rewind button blanched Molly's face. She gaped at me and I had never seen her like that before. Her eyes began glistening.

"Would you fuck Laura?" she asked sternly, fisting her skirt by her side.

"No...but" I started

"Because she is a disgusting, a vomitable thing "She nods, sniffling a little. I extended my hand to her face and she backed a step.

"And you wouldn't even consider being with me...because I used to be with her. I get it" I began shaking my head no

"I get it. I'm just a thrash that you would rather hand over to another boy just like that. I get it" She turned around, not sparing me a moment, and just stormed off, wiping her face.

What have I done?

What have you done? You saved her lots of pain. And she will hate you if you fuck her anyway. Let it be now.

Let it be now.

Amber Woods with Molly & DylanWhere stories live. Discover now