Chapter 4

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I expected her to be angry with me but what I didn't expect is her to abandon me. I don't see her in the faculty junction anymore. But I do see her hanging out with Laura and her gang. During lunch, she walked out of our table when I sat there. So I have stopped going to the cafeteria altogether and have some burgers in my truck. She never goes to my room anymore and if I tried to talk to her, she just turned away.  Sarah told me that she spent the night in Laura's room. And it hurts more than I expected. The sorry note I left in her locker is now crumpled in a dustbin. I can't get through her phone, think she blocked me. She doesn't even look at my face anymore.  

On Wednesday, when I was returning to the dorm late, I heard a disturbing sound from behind a wall right at the faculty junction. Probably some kid trying to jerk off. But then, I heard Molly'

"Please Laura, it's getting late. I need to go back to my dorm" her voice trembles.

"Stay with me tonight" a squeaky kissing sound follows.

"I promise we will be quick" WE? as in a couple of girls? Molly whimpered but it felt off and I peeked through the side. Laura has her tongue inside Molly's mouth. Her knee between Molly's legs. One of her hands is inside her top, groping her boob. 

And Molly–she just shut her eyes. Shut the world down, fisting her hand so hard that I could see the veins running up even at these dusky hours. She doesn't like it but she is enduring it. I went back behind the wall, leaning my back and head on it. Innocent Molly is suffering because of me. Should I go stop that bitch? Will Molly turn me down, chase me away if I do so?

A zipper opened. Molly started crying more and something snapped. I round the wall, grabbed Molly's arm, and pulled her to my chest. She tried to look up but I'm not ready to face her tears. So I push the back of her head to my chest. She settles in, while I glared at the sick thing in front of me.

"You son of a bi–" a slap lands on Laura's cheek. Mama told me to never hit a girl, but she didn't mention anything about abominations. 

"Fix your pants" I whisper to Molly's ears and she nods. Followed by the zipper going up and her shuffling her hands around my lower chest level. And we walked away. I guarded her safely to her dorm and handed her to Sarah, who immediately hugged her, asking for an explanation. The rage inside me is roaring. I need to vent out. With a pair of running shoes and a jacket. The next day, we crossed paths and instead of just letting her be as I usually do, I stepped into her way. She stopped, heads down. 

"How are you?" I asked low.

"Fine" she nods, hugging a thick magazine of sorts closer to her chest. I sigh, taking a step closer to her and she remained frozen there.


"I need to go to class," she said, rounding me and walking away in a blink. Her perfume wafts around me, causing me to stay a little longer in the spot.

Thursday, Roberto and Dandelion crashed into my room with a carton of beer.

"You got to fix things with Molly. It's her birthday this Saturday and I am not skipping cakes this year" We all chuckled at Roberto's craving for cake. After a moment of silence, Dandelion opens his mouth. "What happened between you two?"

What happened between the two of us? Is it the unknown territory of sex? Social boundaries? Fear of the future? Or is it this college, introducing new aspects of life to us? 

"Life happened" I mumbled, taking another longer swig at the beer.

When it's Friday and time to go home, Molly didn't show up, claiming she had assignments to complete. I bought it. The whole 45 minutes drive was all the things the guys are going to do over the weekends, and invitations to join them and Molly this, Molly that. But Sarah kept quiet.

"Molly is dope for not finishing her assignments early. Well, she has changed a lot since we arrived at the college. I guess this is how childhood friend parts away–" Roberto was blabbering when Sarah burst.

"She doesn't have any assignments!!! It's like you guys don't even know her at all. She completed all her assignments within a week after they are given." I side-eyed her.

"What do you mean?"

"It's her birthday!!!" Sarah threw her hands in the air "Of course she is going to go back to her parents. Just not in this car, not with you"

"Then how?" Sarah frowned, licking her lips.

"Sarah how?" I raised my voice and she wavers.

"By bus. She is probably waiting at the college bus station now" College bus stops their rounds at 7 pm. It's 9 pm now. There is no way she is going to get any ride and she is alone. I turned the truck, whiplashing all of us to the side.

"Get out," I said, holding the steering wheel tighter. We are at the town edge anyway. 

"Well, how are we supposed to reach home from here?" the nag in Dandelion's voice so apparent.

"Claw your way to your houses," I said, looking straight at Sarah. God, I can't believe she thought leaving Molly, at a bus station, late at night was an acceptable idea. But she smiled, rolling her tongue against her inner cheek before jumping out of the car.

I started against the college. All the possible negative things in the world came tumbling into my mind. All the cold cases of girls being murdered and dumped somewhere by the highway. She is too naive to handle even simple harassment. She wouldn't know what to do in the face of real danger. There is a forest behind our college, what if animals are roaming around at this time? What if paranormal things go searching for prey?

I step on the oil pedal harder. 

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