Chapter 12

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"This is a bad idea..." I cupped her waist, ready to flip her around.

"NO!!!" she raised her voice, causing Laura to stir.

"Shhuuu...shuuu...Ok ok." I place my fingers on my lips, and she mimics me.

"Why is it a bad idea?" she whispered. 

"Because it's a bad idea?"


"Molly..." I exhaled.

"Why?" she asked a little sterner. Little doll has some nerves hidden somewhere inside her. 

"Because,  I can't spend 2, 3 hours in my dorm room, with a screaming girl, surrounded by other horny college students!!!" I whispered shout and Molly frowned.

"I'm not asking for sex, Dylan. Just kiss..." she says, strumming my bottom lips.

"Which will cause me to have a hard-on"



"Yes, why?" how do I answer that? 

"Hmm, because I am a mature man and I get aroused by a woman?" I asked and she huffed.

"Dylan, just focus on my lips. Ignore the WOMAN, just the LIPS" I start shaking my head slowly.

"Ignore my boobs touching you. Ignore me on top of you. Focus on how my lips move..."she says. Molly is teaching me? This must be a dream!!! Ya, a slurred, childish dream.

One of her hands held my neck, nails scrapping my hairline. There it is, the twitch.

Just ignore... 

 And she lowered her lips to mine. Her chest pressed on mine. Her sweet scent too close to me.

Just ignore...

She catches my lower lips. No trembling, no hesitations. She had improved much. Soft. Plum. Warm. A tinge of tang. Spicy. Not much of force. Not sloppy. No tongue. Just soft caressing feathers. She must have worn strawberry lip balm or drank strawberry-flavored something. The remnants of its sugar are still there. Stirring a pool of iridescent butterflies in my lower tummy. 

"Skittles skittles skittles" Molly gasped, losing her balance. I swiftly flipped her to the side, against the wall. Deepening the kiss, being cautious not to involve any tongue. My breathing changed. The stir starts to creep lower and twitch against her tummy.

"Barney is a dinosaur..and he–and he" I stopped. "What?"

"Ta ta ta ta tadatada..." she sang a rhythm. "What the hell are you doing?" I chuckled. She is singing BARNEY'S THEME SONG when I was...oooo...

She giggled "Helping you divert your focus" She kept on singing that wordless tune, fingers circling the air next to us. I couldn't help but laugh at her. 

"What comes after tadatada?" she scrunched her face.

"I don't know..." I giggled, bumping my forehead with her and she finally stopped singing, giggling with me.

"How am I supposed to kiss you again without Barney flipping his legs and wagging his tails in my head anymore?" her giggle recedes, biting her lips.

"So, you want to do that again?" What again? Kiss? Sex? Hell, I want both. 

But we started this because I want her to find her real sexual identity. Now that she has, going back to my cabin with her would be ME taking advantage of HER.
But she is hopeful, obviously. Might get hurt if I say no. 

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