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Ivy Scamander sighed and put her quill down on the table. Her graduation was in 2 days but the teachers had still given her and her classmates homework.

"Seriously, our graduation is in 2 days, can't they just let us rest for once? " Her best friend, Sinnie Weasley ranted angrily.

"Yeah, I know." She replied.

Suddenly, a loud thump could be heard beside her, causing Ivy and several others to jump in surprise.

"I got some more books!" Daisy Lovegood announced happily.

"Gosh, you almost gave me a heart attack." Sinnie said, although she was smiling.

It was the day of Ivy's graduation. She might have cried a bit the night before. But just a bit. At least it was better than Sinnie, who had cried herself to sleep.

Once Ivy, Sinnie and Daisy had settled down at the Hufflepuff table, they patiently waited for the others to settle down too. None of them talked, so it was pretty quiet, except for when Sinnie got emotional and started crying. Ivy wasn't very sad, well of course she was sad, Hogwarts had been like a second home for her for 7 years now, but she couldn't wait for the new life ahead of her. She was going to become a healer. She was planning on applying for the job after graduation, so she could focus.

Professor Blacks voice woke Ivy from her thoughts and she was pulled back to the present. The ceremony was about to start.

After the ceremony, all the students started heading out of the castle and towards the carriages that would lead them to the train station. Ivy, Sinnie and Daisy took a carriage and it set off towards the train station.

"I can't believe we just graduated!" Sinnie said between her tears.

Ivy was getting a little emotional too, but she tried her best to hide it. Her father had always said to remain strong. Don't let others see you weak.

When the carriage arrived at Hogsmeade train station, a wave of memories flooded past Ivy. She was now trying hard to hold back her tears. This was the last time she would ever be here. They headed up the train and 7 years of memories flashed trough Ivy's mind. But she was as ready as ever to start her new life.

A/N: Thanks for reading this chapter! It was pretty short but I will try and make the others longer from now on. This is my first time writing fanfiction or any type of books really, so sorry if it's weird. I'll try and post every week, more or less.

Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you have a great day!:)

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