Chapter 5

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               "I'm leaving now!" Ivy called after her as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the staff door at St.Mungos.

"Okay!" Pandoria called back.

Ivy went directly to Newts appartement and knocked lightly 3 times. After a few moments Newt came and opened the door.

"Hi Ivy!" he said.

Ivy responded with a "hi" as well. Newt stepped aside to let Ivy in. Once she was inside the siblings made their way down to the case to feed the creatures. After the creatures were fed and happy, Ivy and Newt went back to the shed. 

"I need to go now, I promised Sinnie and Daisy to meet up at the park." Ivy said.

Newt just nodded. Ivy packed her things and left, walking towards the park. When the park was only a block away, she saw Daisy walking from the opposite direction. Ivy waved cheerfully and Daisy did the same.

"Hey!" Daisy called.

The girls hugged eachother and continued walking towards the park to meet up with Sinnie.

"She better not be late." Ivy said.

Daisy chuckled at the statement. They both knew Sinnie probably would be. Suddenly, they spotted a figure running towards them. Ivy and Daisy exchanged glances and then started running towards the figure as well. Sinnie Weasley came to a halt in front of them.

"Hold on a sec..." she said panting.

"Let me catch my breath..." 

Then she suddenly looked super happy and pulled them both in for a hug.

"Hello, I've missed you two!" she said cheerfully. 

Ivy and Daisy laughed. Sinnie hadn't changed at all since Hogwarts.


The  girls had decided to have a sleepover, as they would have during summer break when they were at Hogwarts. None of them lived in a really big house so they just picked somone at random to have the sleepover at.

"Alright, if I get a blue paper, then we'll go to Daisys house. If it's green we'll go to my house and if it's purple we'll go to Ivys house." Sinnie said.

She then pulled out a random paper. It was blue.

"Guess we're going to my house then!" Daisy said excitedly.

The girls agreed that they go home and get some stuff then meet back up at the park. As Ivy apparated to her house and started packing her things, she couldn't help but smile. She remembered all the times they had done this during Hogwarts, she had always been so excited. 

When she apparated back a block from the park she saw Daisy was standing there waiting. Ivy walked over and waved, then they waited for Sinnie in silence. 

After waiting for 20 minutes, Sinnie still hadn't showed up. Ivy grew increasingly worried. Had Sinnie been kidnapped? No, now she was just being ridiculous, Sinnie had probably just forgotten something and had to walk back to her appartement to get it. Ivy was just about to say something when Daisy said it instead.

"Where's Sinnie? I know she's usually late but it's been almost half an hour" 

Ivy nodded.

"I don't know." she said.

"She probably just forgot something."

Daisy nodded and the two continued to wait in silence. Suddenly, Sinnie appeared out of no where, causing them both to jump in surprise.

"Sinnie, you can't just apparate here, the park is full of muggles!" Ivy hissed under her breath.

Many passerbys were giving them weird looks.

"I know, but I wanted to prank you!" Sinnie said.

Ivy and Daisy exchanged glances and then started laughing. Soon, Sinnie joined in as well. 

Daisy grabbed their arms and they apparated to her appartement. This was for sure going to be a fun sleepover, even though Sinnie had apparated in front of a bunch of muggles just to prank Ivy and Daisy. It was just like their Hogwarts days.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter!

Hope your having a great day and buhbye!:)

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