Chapter 7

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It had now been a week since the nundu attack. Newt was just fine and everything was back to normal. Well, almost everything. 

Tina, who had been Newts girlfriend was now Newts fiance. The wedding would take place in May, which was 1 month away. 

Ivy was happy for her brother. She had never excpected Newt to find love, awkward as he was. But he had. And Ivy was happy. 

Tina had asked her to be a bridesmaid, which had made Ivy even happier, as she and Tina were merely friends. Well, soon Tina would be Ivys sister-in-law. 

Everyone was looking forward to the wedding. And Ivy was no exception.


It was the day of the wedding. Tina, Queenie, Ivy and Bunty were all standing in a small room, getting ready for Tina and Newts big day. 

Queenie was basically radiating with joy and was bouncing around, helping Tina with everything. 

Tinas wedding dress was simple yet elegant, just like her. It was a snow white, with flower patterns and suited her perfectly. It was as if the dress was made for her.

The bridesmaids were wearing short light blue dresses, except for Queenie who was the maid of honour. She was wearing a longer dress in a darker blue.

Suddenly, they heard the wedding song playing.

"I think we're supposed to go now." Bunty said. 

Tina nodded and the group made the're way out of the room. 


Tina had never felt so happy in her entire life. 

She, Porpentina Esther Goldstein, was married.

She never thought she would get married. Queenie was the romantic and sweet sister and she was the serious work sister. She had long ago given up hope in romance and love.

Yet here she was, married. To no other than Newt Scamander, the love of her life. She loved him, and she knew he loved her too.

Everything was wonderful. She couldn't wait to start a life with Newt.


Ivy was walking towards Newt and Tinas appartement. After the wedding, Tina had officially moved to London, and so had Queenie and Jacob, who were also married. Since there was no law in England that forbid them to be toghether, it was just much easier. 

Tina had left her job at M.A.C.U.S.A and became an auror at the ministry instead.

When Ivy arrived, she knocked on the door. A few seconds later Tina came and opened it. 

"Hi!" she said cheerfully.

"Come in!"

Ivy said a quiet thanks as Tina stepped aside to let her into the appartement. There wasn't much difference from when Newt had lived here alone, but Ivy had to admit, it was a whole lot messier. Both Newt and Tina were always busy with their jobs, so neither had any time to clean.

Ivy didn't think that was bad, after all, her own appartment looked like a mess too.

She was just happy that Newt was happy, and had found someone as amazing as Tina.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter! 

It got so sad I had to write something fun. Sorry it's a bit short and I haven't updated in a while.

Anyways, hope you're having a great day and bye!:)

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