Chapter 8

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Ivy had just came to work when Pandoria came as well.

"Good morning!" Ivy said.

"Hi." Pandoria said.

Ivy could see she was blushing, although she was looking down at her feet and trying to hide it. It reminded her of when Newt had been in love with Tina but hadn't known how to tell her.

Now she was just being ridiculus. Pandoria didn't like her. At least not in that way, just as a friend. Was she even gay? 

The two girls went in towards the staffroom and went as usual after dropping of their things to the bathroom to change into their work-clothes.

After Ivy had finished changing into her usual white jeans and blouse, she went outside to wait for Pandoria. The dress-code was just white, so everyone had different clothes on.

When Pandoria finished changing, they went back to the staffroom to look on the schedules. Pandoria had front desk duty and Ivy was to check on a few patients. 

As Ivy went away, she couldn't help but think how incredibly beautiful Pandoria was. A small voice crept into her mind as she made her way to the elevator to go check on the patients.

"Do you like her?"

Ivy shook her head. She couldn't fall in love with Pandoria, she definitely wouldn't like her back. But she couldn't help but think about how Pandoria had blushed when they met this morning.


Pandoria was sitting at the front desk, thinking. Did she love Ivory Scamander? She couldn't. Ivy definitely wouldn't like her back. 

But she couldn't help thinking how beautiful Ivy was. And smart. And brave. And so incredibly loyal. She had endured torture and not told Grindelwald where her brother had been. She was really a Hufflepuff. 

But Ivy didn't like her back. She would just have to press down her feelings, and hopefully they would fade away. Ivy didn't like her. There was no point in trying to get her to like her.

Just then, she heard the familiar cling of the door whenever somebody came in.

Pandoria looked up and immedietly, she called back into the staffroom.

"Somebody go get Ivy!"


Ivy was just changing the bandages for Ashley Malfoy when her coworker Chirstin came over.

"Hey Ivy, I think there's someone you would like to see, I can take over here." she said, gesturing towards Ashley.

Ivy nodded and went out the door. She was just hoping it wouldn't be Newt, Theseus, mother, Tina, Queenie or Jacob. Or Sinnie and Daisy. But then, if it wasn't someone she knew, why would Chirstin tell her to go back? 

When Ivy came back to the staffroom, her other coworker Melanie told her to go to room 231. Ivy obeyed and went there, heart pounding in her chest.

When she opened the door, she found somebody lying in the bed. Ivy froze. She would recognize that face anywhere.

It was the face of her oldest brother, Theseus Scamander.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter! 

There are 2 things I have to say this time, and they are:

1. I changed the prolouge a bit, but it was only the headmasters name, nothing else. I did some research and turns out Phineas Niggelus Black was headmaster up until 1925 so I suppose he was headmaster back then.

2. My friend posted a fanfiction called "The locket". It's about Sirius and Regulus's little sister and is really interesting. Highly recommended you go and read that now. It's not finished yet and there's only a prolouge and 1 chapter but they are both sooo good!

Hope you're having a great day and bye!:)

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