Chapter 10

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"All medical staff to the staffroom immedietly, patients will return to their rooms. This is not a drill."

Ivy looked up at the words. Nothing like this had happened since she had started working here. She hurried up her pace, walking briskly towards the staffroom.

There she found all of her coworkers: Pandoria, Melanie, Christin, Natalie and many more, including the owner of St.Mungos, Herbert Chorley.

They were gathered around the meeting table, Ivys coworkers looking just as confused as she was. 

A few more people came and after everyone was here, Chorley began the meeting.

"As many of you may know, Gellert Grindelwald escaped MACUSA yesterday night."

Ivy shivered. After all, she had been tortured by Grindelwald and she wouldn't want anyone she cared about to cross paths with him. Especially Newt.

"The last sighting of him was here in London, a few minutes ago." Chorley continued.

A collective gasp went trough the group. They had all read the Daily Prophet this morning, so they all knew Grindelwald had escaped. But now he was here. In London. 

Suddenly, a horrifying thought came to Ivy. Was Grindelwald here for Newt? He had been looking for him, that was for sure. The chances were high that was the truth. 

When the healers left to continue their work, Chorley asked Ivy to stay behind.

"I heard he's looking for your brother, you're related to the author right?" she asked.

Ivy just nodded. This confirmed her suspicions. Grindelwald was after Newt.


Tina threw some clothes into her bag before magically shrinking it. Newt came in, standing in the doorframe.

"What are you packing for?" he asked.

"We're going to go looking for Grindelwald." Tina replied briskly, looking around for her ID.

"Where is it?!" she said in frustration.

"It's in your hand." Newt said, surpressing a laugh.

Tina looked down at her hands and saw that, indeed, she was holding her ID. She muttered a thanks and started putting on her coat.

"Wait, you're going now?" Newt asked.

Tina nodded. 

"I'll be careful." she said.

Then she bent over and kissed her husband on the lips. She opened the door and walked out into the cold night air, trying not to think that this might be the last time she ever saw Newt.


Ivy had been requiered to stay overnight at the hospital. She, Pandoria, Melanie and Natalie were sharing one of the spare rooms with 4 beds. 

Ivy lay in her bed thinking. If Grindelwald was after Newt, it couldn't be long before he attacked. After all, Grindelwald didn't usually wait. Ivy needed to warn Newt, and that as soon as possible. 

Another horrible thought hit her. Both Tina and Theseus were aurors. That meant they would surely be looking for Grindelwald.

What if they got injured, or worse killed? What would Ivy do if both her brothers and her sister-in-law were dead? Life would be so empty without them. Ivy forced herself to take a deep breath. No need to worry, that wasn't reality. What if they didn't get killed. After all, worrying means you suffer twice. Ivy smiled as she remembered her brothers philosophy.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter!

Oh no, Grindelwald escaped!!! DUN.DUN.DUNNN!

Anyway, hope your having a good day and bye!:)

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