Chapter 6

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Tina was in Newts shed, helping him prepare the feed. Suddenly, she heard a bloodcurling scream. Tina frantically looked around in search of the source of the sound. It couldn't have been one of the creatures, the scream was much to human-like. And the only other human down i the case would be...Newt. Tina froze as she thought of that.

"NEWT!" she called.

No answer.

Tina grew increasingly worried. She started running towards the sound, it was in an area of the case she had never been to before and she didn't want to get lost either. What if Newt was hurt?

Suddenly, the scream could be heard again. Tina wipped her head around, looking for Newt. 

Then she saw him. Curled up on the ground in the nundu habitat. There was a fair amount of blood too. 

Tina panicked.

There was no one else in the appartement, and she wasn't very good at this. She had learned first aid in auror training but she was always barely passable in that specific part. Suddenly she remembered. Ivy! She was a healer, she should know what to do. But how was Tina going to tell her? 


Ivy was walking towards Newts appartement. She had promised him to help with feeding the creatures. 

She knocked on the door and stepped back to wait. But Newt didn't come. Thinking he was probably down in the case, Ivy tried to open the door. It was unlocked. 

Ivy slowly made her way to the case. She climbed down but nobody was there. She walked along the different habitats, looking at the different creatures. When she came to the nundu, she was met with a sight she had hoped she would never see. Newt was curled up on the floor, blood oozing out of a wound. Beside him was Tina. She had a panicked expression an her face. Ivy ran over.

"Newt!" she cried.

Tina whipped her head around and a look of relief flooded her face.


Tina whipped her head around. She was here, Ivy was here. Newt was going to be okay.

Ivy ran over, kneeling beside Newt.

"What happened?!" she asked.

"I-I don't know, I w-was in t-the shed and I heard a-a scream!" Tina replied.

Ivy nodded and took a deep breath. Then she said in a calm voice:

"Tina, I need you to run back to the shed. There's a first aid kit hanging on the wall."

"Can't you use magic?" Tina asked.

"Nundu wounds often have the poisonous breath entering the body, it would just get worse if we healed it by magic, since the poison wouldn't be able to escape properly." Ivy responded.

Tina nodded and ran towards the shed. It didn't make much sense to her, but Ivy was the healer, not Tina. 

Tina found the bag almost immedietly, and started running back towards Newt and Ivy. 

Ivy had laid out Newts arms and Tina saw the bleeding wound on Newts arm. She handed Ivy the bag and she opened it, taking out a small bottle of something Tina had never seen before. She took out the cork with her teeth and started gently pouring it over the wound.

As the potion came in contact with Newt, he let out another scream.

"It's okay Newt, it'll be over soon." Ivy whispered.

Ivy then took out some bandages and quickly bandaged Newts arm.

Once she was done, Ivy sat back and looked at Newt.

"We should let him get some sleep, do you think we can levitate him to the shed?" she asked.

"We can try." Tina replied.

The two girls carefully levitated Newt to the shed and put him down in the bed.


That night Ivy stayed over at Newts appartement. She didn't want anything happening to him.

In the middle of the night, she heard someone tossing and turning. Ivy realised it was Newt and quickly got up.

"It's okay Newt, go back to sleep." she whispered lightly.

Newt laid back and fell back asleep. Ivy walked back to the matress on the floor she was sleeping on and fell into a restless sleep, full of nightmares of how wrong things could have went that day.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter and hope you enjoyed it!:)

In the shadowsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz