Chapter 9

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Duelling the 2 Grindelwald fanatics. Getting stunned. Falling.

That was what Theseus remembered from the attack. He, along with a few other aurors including Tina had been told to go to a safe house and imprison the followers. In the chaos, Theseus had been splintered from the group. Everyone was fighting for themselves and it was hard to tell wether you were duelling an enemy or a friend. 

In the heat of the battle, Theseus had ended up having to duel 2 followers. One of them had suceeded in stunning Theseus and he had flown out the window from what he had heard from the healers and his coworkers.

Once he was at the hospital, Ivy hadn't left his side. Eventually, she had to get back to work but once that happened she would always come every 15 minutes. It was comforting to have his sister here, even tho he would never admit it. 

It somehow felt a little more at home.


Ivy was walking towards room 231 once again.

When she had seen Theseus, it felt like her heart had stopped. Even though she knew he was going to be fine.

When she opened the door, she found Pandoria changing the bandages. She looked up from her work but immedietly looked back down, blushing. Ivy could feel her own cheeks heating up as well.

After Pandoria finished changing the bandages, she left and Ivy sat down on one of the chairs near Theseus's bed.

"What was all the blushing about?" Thesus asked with a grin.

"Shut up." Ivy replied.

Theseus started laughing.

"Come on, I know it's something!" he pushed.

Just then Newt came in. As soon as he saw Theseus in the bed he walked over and pulled up a chair.

"Are you alright?" he asked worriedely.

"I'm fine, we were just talking about Ivys love life." Theseus said, still grinning.

"What?" Newt asked surprised.

"You have a crush? Or are you already dating?" he asked, now also grinning.

"I don't have a crush! And I don't have a girlfriend either!" Ivy exclaimed, although the blush on her cheeks kind of gave her away.

"Yeah right." Theseus snorted.

Ivy gave him a death stare. Then she left the room, muttering under her breath that she had to get back to work.

Newt and Theseus exchanged looks then burst out laughing.


A few hours later, Ivy was walking down the corridor towards the staffroom to grab her things and go home for the day. 

She was thinking about what Newt and Theseus had said. Did she have a crush on Pandoria? If she did, which she might, she couldn't tell her. Pandoria definitely didn't feel the same way, Ivy didn't even know if she was gay.

No, she would simply have to push down her feelings and hope that they would dissapear.

Once Ivy reached the staffroom, she walked over to her locker and grabbed her bag. Then she went to the bathrooms to change out of her work clothes.

She took off her white jeans and blouse and instead put on a pair of blue jeans and a green long sleeved shirt. Once she had put them on, she put on her black coat and changed into her purple shoes. Then she grabbed her bag and went over to the staff exit.

"I'm leaving!" she called over her shoulder.

Somewhere in the staffroom she heard Melanie say "Ok!" Then she walked out of the door, hurrying towards the empty street a few blocks away to apparate to her appartement.

Once she arrived at her home, she took off her jacket and her shoes and threw her bag on some random chair. Then she went over to the kitchen to warm up some leftovers.

Tomorrow, she would make sure Theseus was alright, and maybe get some more time to think about her feelings for Pandoria. With those thoughts, Ivy fell asleep in her small bedroom a few hours later.


A/N Thanks for reading this chapter!

I published another book named Into the dark that is written by my friend E. I'm only publishing it for her. So recommended you go read that now.

Anyways, hope you're having a great day and bye!:)

Written 17 may 2024

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