The Questions

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We after Johanna Mason had her little public strip club in the elevator I honesty was really hoping babies can't see through your stomachs or this one would have haunting childhood memories before it was born.

I went to my room and just lied down because honestly I was so tired and I really wanted this thing to be out of there and I wanted the games to be over. Why do bad things happen to me? I honestly don't know what I've done to deserve this. I frown and her a knock on the door. "Come in," I say not wanting to get up. Peeta comes in and kisses my on the head before sitting beside me. "What's going on with my beautiful bride?"

"Technically we aren't married yet."

"Yeah a couple weeks really mean a whole lot, don't they."

I sigh and sit up to look at him. I don't know how I feel about all this. Honestly if Effie would have moved her hand a little to right or a little to the left I wouldn't have volunteered and someone else could be in love with Peeta. A good for a bad and it doesn't make sense. Really if I could go back and change anything I probably would change the day he gave me the dandelion. I would have said something.

Maybe we would be happy differently, maybe we wouldn't. Who knows in this world that something bad has to happen to me to get something good? I just close my eyes and lean on Peeta's shoulder. He rubs my back and I almost smile. "We'll get through this," he whispers, "we always do."

I want so hard to believe him but I don't know if I can. What if one or both of us die in there? What if I give birth and then the baby dies? I hold back tears and fight my feelings. Getting pregnant really makes you emotional about everything. Honestly. The other day I cried because I got to have lamb plum stew. I roll my eyes at myself and just sit there.

I have no control over anything and I don't like it. I want to have some say in the scheme of things but don't. Maybe, just maybe, if Peeta and I would have died together from the berries at the end of the games a year ago, the world would be better. "What's on your mind?"

"Just thinking about our first games."

He lets a sad laugh out, "First."

"I mean what would have happened if I let you died, or we both died from the berries at the end, or if you would have let Cato killed me? So many things could have happened where we both could be dead right now."

"Honestly I wouldn't change anything that has happened."


"Because I have you and that's something worth fighting for."


Sorry for the super short chapter in just in a huge slump. I have no new ideas so if anyone has any be free to message me and give me something.

Pregnant and a VictorWhere stories live. Discover now