The Reunion

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Little author note before I begin:

So I only had like three people enter my contest so all the prizes and that were kinda pointless so my favorite cover just won. Not doing the book collab though. I kind of thought this would bring attention back to my book since I've been gone so long but I had a stressful school year and it's pretty much over now so I'll be writing more, hopefully.

This book is extremely old like I'm talking I've been writing this for like two and half years. It used to really suck and still kinda does but yo I can't quit it. That'd be like quitting a part of me. So I'm going to finish this book with this chapter, go through the old chapters and rewrite the mistakes then do a sequel if you guys are interested.


"Katniss?" I hear slowly opening my eyelids, "Katniss?"

The room around me is very plain, almost scary plain and appears to be a hospital. A woman stands over me with light features. Soft skin, grey eyes, small nose and lips. She looks safe and warm.

"Where am I?" I rasp out my throat scorched.

"You're in district thirteen. You're safe now."

"District thirteen?" I ask. District thirteen was destroyed years ago. Wasn't it? I had heard about it in the Capitol, I think, but I always just assumed they were speaking of the past or comparing it to what was happening. I didn't know I was actually here.

"Yes, you're here." She says like a mother would to a baby. I am almost paralyzed and unable to move. My muscles so sore that they do not allow me to change my position in the bed without throbbing pain.

I look down towards my arm. They look the same size from my wrist to my shoulders, covered in deep purple welts and green veins. My skin almost completely blackened my bruising.

Who am I? When did everything get so bad? I remember in the Capitol that I was loosing weight and becoming brittle but now, I don't feel like Katniss Everdeen. Will I ever feel like her again?

"How long have I been here?" I ask unaware of any events past seeing Gale upon my rescue.

"It's been two weeks," TWO WEEKS? "We weren't sure if you'd ever wake up from your coma."

I wonder now who has come to see me. Surely they couldn't recognize me. My cheeks must be sunken in resembling a skeleton with skin. Everywhere bruised and bubbled. I would be unrecognizable by everyone. Even myself.

"Has my family come to see me?"

Her face looks sad a little. Why would she look depressed by my asking this? Hadn't they come to see me?

"Katniss," she starts, "I'm sorry. Your mother and sister refused to leave twelve, thinking you were dead."

Tears start streaming down my face unwillingly. I'm not sure where they came from. My eyes empty like clouds during a summer storm.

They were gone and it was my fault. Prim. I had tried to save her too many times. In the end I was the one that truly needed the saving.

My mother. Yes, I hated her for what she did to us but she had been making up for it. That was a waste. She was my mom. How could I not feel sorrow for her. Especially when it was my fault she was gone.

It is my fault they are all gone.

"But Peeta and your daughter come to see you everyday. At least twice."

Peeta. My heart swells at his mention. I know what Snow told me about him but I can't believe it. I had been the one faking our love at first. I had been the one using it as an act. I was the one that tried not to be attached.

Despite what the devil says, I refuse to believe it. He cannot possibly know everything I have been through and how hard it was for me to accept love.

That could not have been for nothing. Serving the Capitol could not have been for nothing. It was to come to my family. And I am here.

I don't want to fight anymore. I just, I just want to be with them.

It is not over yet though. This I am sure of. How am I to fight for them or myself in my condition? I can not stay back.

"Peeta will be here in the morning. We've leg him know you are awake but visiting hours are over. President Coin would have my head if I allowed it."

He's so close. My daughter is so close. I told Johanna that I had wanted her name to be Rosemary.

It was a plant that grew back in twelve beside my house. Prim loved it and always wanted to make medicines and teas with it. Naming my daughter that would be a piece of Prim and twelve. A piece of home.

I lay still wondering how long it'll be until morning comes. Surely it would last an eternity when I was waiting to be reunited. How long have I been away? How old would my daughter be? What have I missed?

I look to my left at a small bedside table. A little case is there. The box resembles an engagement ring box.

My long, skinny fingers reach out to it. What could be inside?

I extend to the greatest length of my arm, unable to move the most of my body and graze the top with my finger tips.

I keep sliding it fractions of centimeters closer to my grasp.

Why does this pain me? I do not feel like I've survived the Hunger Games, and especially not twice although hardly. Would I ever be back to normal or will I forever be imprisoned in this body that is foreign to me.

Finally I pull the box into my palm and slowly pull it towards me.

It clicks open the lid to reveal two tiny pearls about the size of a bird berry. Peeta. He gave these to me in the Quell. And he had them here during our time apart.

I rub them between my fingers giving life back to my sore joints. The smooth coating is safe on my skin making me feel relaxed and now calm.

I can feel my lips be brought into a small smile at the edges. Finally I feel like a big weight has been lifted. I can be happy again. I can feel love again.

But I know it's not going to be over. I will have to fight. I will feel loss again. I will have to become Katniss the tribute again.

All I want to be is Katniss, the wife and mother. Not Katniss the mockingjay. But to be what I want I need to be the mockingjay first.

I hear the door squeak open and turn my head to see him standing there.

My heart skips a beat when I lay eyes on him and the infant in his arms. I cannot breathe and I want to get up and run to him.

"Katniss" he says as he runs to me, wrapping me in his embrace. Tears streaming down my face and I do not know what to think or how to feel.

I look up and into his eyes. I'm home.

I'm with my family.

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