The Interviews

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I'm so sorry for my very short chapters but they are basically fillers until the games. Some people have been telling me to cancel them but I'm sorry. The games will happen and I have a really good plot twist so just hold yourself through the painstaking process of me having similar scenarios to the original and waiting.

After what feels like a lifetime of hair pulling, body waxing, and tailoring the dress I'm finally finished. I look up into the mirror. "A wedding dress? Seriously." Cinna nods, "Snow asked." I mentally roll my eyes knowing cameras are all around. "Oh did he?" I question. That came out way sassier than I intended.

I look at the TV showing the other tributes. The siblings are up obviously faking crocodile tears. To that I actually do roll my eyes. "Don't do that Sugar Plum! Your eyes could get stuck like that," Flavius presses. "I mean does anyone actually believe this garbage?"

"Obviously they do," he says acknowledging Effie, Vienna, (I am guessing on the spelling) and Octavia. They are wiping their eyes with handkerchieves. I have to do a double take to see if they are actually crying. As I assumed they aren't. I doubt they would it probably cost about a bazillion dollars for a tube of miracle mascara. They have no time for crying.

Cinna adds a few finally touches, sticky jewels under neath my eyes, and I'm good to go. The only way I recognize myself is by the swollen stomach I have from the baby. I close my eyes and take a deep breathe knowing whatever I say could influence a death sentence for the infant.

My eye lids are covered in dark blue and grey eyeshadow bringing out my grey eyes. My eyelashes are impossibly long to the point where it's probably humanly impossible to have lashes this long. I could be wrong. My hair is done into a flat bun on the back of my head of course lead by braid into the hairstyle.

The dress is on another level. Imagine The whitest thing you have ever seen. Well this is about a thousand times whiter than that. A bird-like metal piece is attached down at my waist but is pushed out around my breasts. From the waist down it's almost as if feathers from a birds plumage flared out and down the the floor.

It's slightly heavier than I remember. Cinna must acknowledge my feelings, "I added a little something extra from when ever you tried it on before. I put all my thoughts and anger into my work so no one gets hurt. But possibly me."

He doesn't give me time to comprehend what he said as I'm being pushed on stage for my big debut. "Twirl when you know it's a good time." And without further words I'm on stage and a crowds shouting my name and clapping.

Caesar Flickerman has a ball announcing my arrival and everyone goes ecstatic probably once they see the pronounced baby bump. I make my way up to the front of the stage and take my place standing beside the man in a glittery midnight blue jumpsuit/tux he wears every year, but purple instead of blue hair like last year. "Katniss Everdeen the girl on fire! It's good to have you back. If only it was under different circumstances."

With that the crowd quiets making the moment seem depressing. I have to hand it to this guy he really makes it easy for everyone he interviews practically feeding them answers to make them likable. "Katniss we have depressing matters at hand..." He takes a long pause waiting for the crowd to have enough suspense that could last a life it feels like as I search for Cinna's face among the crowd.

"We have been informed about your pregnancy," he suddenly interrupted with burst of cheers from the audience and has to settle them down. "When is the baby due?" I swallow hard feeling a lump in my throat. I shut my eyes a second and breath to calm myself so I don't loose it on stage. God am I vulnerable as a pregnant woman?!

"The baby is due in a few days," I barely make it out but then a single tear from each eye falls. The audiences immediate response is silence. "Is this the dress that you would have worn at the wedding? Correct me if I'm wrong." I nod. "Yes. President Snow thought everyone would like to see it."

"Well as usually he was right. Am I right folks?!" Caesar asks getting a response of clapping, whooping, cheers, and a couple high pitched whistles. It's like the crowd has a bipolar disorder. (Sorry if that was taken offensive)

I remember what Cinna said about twirling and raise my arms above my head and spin around. My bottom half is immediately engulfed in what seems to be flames and is evaporating into a much lighter dress underneath of dark colors like my eyeshadow. I continue to swirl around until my whole torso is transformed and open my arms up to the crowd.

Screams are exchanged between many members and so are applause. Caesar stutters, "Its a-It's a bird- It's a-"

"It's a mocking jay!" Long wings hang from my arms and I feel like I rule the world now. It takes a while to settle down everyone and Caesar announces my interview is over. I walk back to the large steps and walk up standing side by side with fellow victors/tributes.

Peeta makes his way on stage. He's in a white suit with a dark vest underneath. The tux matching the wedding dress and vest matching the mocking jay dress. "Peeta Mellark! Long time no see how's life been treating you other than well~the obvious."

He gives a small smile clearly trying to hide his real emotion. "Life been interesting. Not your average year but we're managing," he says assuringly. Peeta is so amazing with people he could probably walk up there, cut a fart, and people would still think that was the best interview of the night. I don't know how he's done it. "Katniss and I had a secret wedding."

"A secret wedding?"

"Yes back in 12. What will be the end for at least one of us is sure to come and we wanted our love to be eternal."

The crowd gasped and 'aww's at his "confession". I have to try really hard not to roll my eyes at how gullible some people are. I mean for heavens sakes do they not have common sense? "Katniss and I, we've been luckier than most and I wouldn't have any regret if it weren't for the baby." He's telling the truth this time.

I am a horrible human being for bringing a child into this world. Quite possibly in to the games. "Peeta. It was quite a shock when you volunteered for Haymitch."

"I don't know why. I wanted to be with Katniss, to protect her." Of course sympathy is again released from the audience as well as clapping. "Even though you know one or neither of you will make it out. Not both this time."

He nods and I can hear the sadness in his voice. "If anything happened to her I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. As long as I know that I can do something to make sure she is safe. I couldn't stand by watching on a screen hoping someone else will be there for her. I don't care if I come out. Last year she risked herself for me on multiple occasions and made sure I didn't die. Now it's my turn and if she comes out instead of me it'll all be okay."

The tears have started to flow and I can't help it. I put my hand on my stomach and just stand there helplessly crying. There are sure to be cameras on me now. Peeta starts to trot up the stairs and he gets to the top we instantly kiss as audience members loose what little emotion they were able to keep inside. I have never been so sure in my life about how badly I love him. I am in love with Peeta Mellark.

The anthem starts to play as we pull apart. I grab his hand and then the tributes arm next to me until all the victors are holding hands and we in unison put our hand above our head in rebellion. Caesar screams a curse word which was barely audible over the screams from the audience. All of a sudden the anthem stops and we are all left holding hands in the dark.

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