[Chapter 1] Tragedy In The Streets

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It was raining outside and ever so often was there a clap of thunder and flash of lightening. He and I were running, hand in hand, through the dimly lit streets in the pouring rain. I looked back constantly, making sure they weren't following us.

We stumbled upon the local church. We broke in through the front doors, thinking it was safe. Boy, were we wrong. Seth shook off the rain from his hair and wet clothes. He pulled the hood off of my head. He smiled at me and kissed me.

Just as he stepped back from our kiss, someone grabbed me by the waist, pulled me close to their body, and cupped their hand over my mouth so I wouldn't scream. Another person did the same to Seth. But unlike me, who'd been trained to follow orders and that things would eventually storm over, he fought back.

Another man came running up from behind me to help his friend force Seth to the ground in the middle of the aisle on his knees. The person reprimanding me pushed me to the ground too, ten feet away from Seth, facing him. The two men pushed Seth's head down and pinioned his arms behind his back.

"You killed one of our members!" The man holding down Seth's head shouted, "Admit it!"

"It was self defense," Seth replied in a deep, low voice, "I didn't mean to kill him. Okay?"

"Bull shit!" The man put up a gun to his head.

"Seth!" I cried. I watched as the man cocked the gun. And that's when I heard the sound I never wanted to hear in my life.

I saw Seth's lifeless body fall forward and make an echo sound through the barren church. Blood began to spread across the wooden floor in a large, red puddle. I shrieked and broke the man's hold on me. I ran towards Seth and picked up his dead body. holding it close to my chest. The guys fled from the scene as I began to weep. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Hours ago, Seth and I were two normal teenagers in love.

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