[Chapter 3] The Plan

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I gained enough strength to tell Liam what happened. He was a very good listener and he didn't try to tell me that everything was going to be okay, or that this would all pass in a few weeks. He knew how bad the situation was, and he wasn't going to try to cover it up. Like our parents seemed to do with everything little problem we encountered.

When I got home, I was immediately greeted by my parents with big hugs and kisses on the forehead. They told me to sit in the front room while they talked to Liam about what happened, afraid I would get upset if I heard what happened again.

It didn't really help, with my mother's big mouth, I heard everything Liam was reiterating.

"He did what?...She was dating someone?...What was she doing in an alley?...He's dead dead?"

I smacked my forehead in embarrassment and anger. My mom was not good at handling situations like this...

There was a silence that blanketed over the entire house for at least five minutes. Then, my parents and brother reentered the room. An expression of sadness and grief was spread across all of their faces.

My brother sat next to me on the couch and my parents stood towering over us.

"Brooklyn, we have an idea," My dad said, clasping his hands together and holding them in front of his abdomen. I averted my gaze away as I blinked frequently, resisting the best I could not to cry. He looked over at my mom for support.

She nodded her head and continued his explanation, "We are going to move to some place far away from here. We're thinking about Sacramento, because that's where some of your father's family is."

I was speechless. I didn't know if this was what I wanted. I mean, I would miss Sadie, she's not just my coworker, but she's been my friend since pre-school. I wouldn't want to leave her, she and I...we depend on each other. Whether one of us just broke up with someone and we needed a person to eat ice cream and watch Flash Dance with, or we had to go to a dance and didn't have dates, so we just crashed the dance floor with our bad dancing.

"Brooklyn?" My dad bent down so he was eye level with me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Is this okay with you?"

I was too shaken and overwhelmed to respond.

"Brookey..." That's what my mom always calls me. She joined my dad and put her hand on my other shoulder, "We're only doing this for you. We want you to be happy."

"How am I supposed to be happy when I just lost the only guy I ever loved!?!" I argued, tears streaming down my cheek, "And what about his funeral? Is he going to get one?" I couldn't believe that was on my mind, but I wanted to attend it and give my words on him.

"Brooke," My brother added, "If I were you, I don't think I would be able to look at my dead boyfriend after..."

"I saw him die!" I shouted, crossing my arms over my chest, "I think after that I would be able to look at his dead corpse and give him a eulogy."

"Brooke. Please, let us help you," My father begged. He grabbed my hand and held it tightly in his. "I think what's best for us is just to leave. Because if we stay, I'm sure there's going to be people who will bothering us about this story for the media."

"Who says the media's going to be involved?" I asked, surprised by the high pitch in my voice.

"Honey, it's a teenager in a small town who got killed by people who ran away," My mother answered, "There's no doubt that this is going to be all over the news when they find his dead body in that church."

I felt very tense and pressured.

"Please make a decision, Brooklyn," My father sternly ordered, "Are we going to California tonight or do you want to stay here?"

My throat swelled up and my forehead was burning. I could feel the warmth grow in my cheeks and I could feel that I was breaking into a cold sweat. My family was eying me down and I felt nervous.

I pushed my parents apart and ran into the kitchen, feeling the urge to throw up. I held onto the side of the sink and hung my head above it. My mouth was open, but nothing was coming up and out. I stood back up, sighed, and turned around. My family was all gathered by the doorway that separated the front hall from the kitchen.

I wiped the sweat off of my forehead and put my hands on my hips. I took a big breath in and replied, "You know what? I don't think moving would be such a bad thing."

My mother's facial expression showed she was happy for me, and my dad was the same. Liam's though, I couldn't quite decode. His eyes wandered everywhere but to me and our parents. He had his arms crossed over his chest and his mouth was in a straight line.

I smiled back at my family as I put my hands on my hips, letting out a sigh.

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