[Chapter 12] Downward Spiral

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I don't know what went wrong - we were all so happy prom night. Ian and Anthony weren't fighting. Anthony and I both realized we really liked each other and we were doing something about it. I had a friend in that prison people dare to call a school. Everything seemed as if it was finally going in the right direction.

After that, I have no idea what went on. Ian and Anthony were back to hating each other. Helena came crying to me that Todd didn't want to be her friend anymore. Anthony became distant from me. We only talked when he was outside doing something and he wanted a break. And when we did talk, we didn't talk about us or each other. Just really general stuff, like how the weather was. Ian and Anthony didn't need my help anymore for videos, but they continued to give me a portion of their paychecks. Ian and I were still good on terms of friendship, but he didn't leave the house much, so I didn't see him. Helena went crazy on the drinking, and I didn't want to hang out with her anymore. So, I was back to the way things were in Cape Cod almost, except this time, I didn't have a boyfriend to see and cheer me up every day.

One Wednesday, I came home and wanted to talk to Anthony. See if I could figure out what was going on between us. I walked up to the door and knocked on it. To my surprise, Ian was the one who answered it.

"Hey, Brooke. What can I do for you?" He asked kindly, while sliding his hands into his pockets uncomfortably.

"I was actually hoping I could talk to Anthony."

"Oh...Anthony's not here."

"Where is he?" I asked.

A wicked and nefarious look crossed over Ian's face. It worried me a little, but I overlooked it...stupidly.  "He...went to go see his...girlfriend."

"His girlfriend?" I clarified.

He nodded his head. "Did he forget to tell you about her?" I just stared at him in shock. "Yeah, she and him had a little 'dispute' and she called last night. She wanted him to move in with her, and right now he's over there and they're probably talking about it."

"Oh..." I scratched my head in awkwardness.

"I'm sorry, Brooke." He tried to console.

I shook my head and stormed away. I walked in my house and went ballistic. I threw my backpack at the wall. The shock of force made the painting fall to the floor and the glass protecting it in the frame shattered into a million pieces. I screamed and fell to my knees in a huge fit. Little pieces of glass pierced the skin on my knees and my hands, which I laid out in front of me. Tears began flowing down my cheeks and my face felt hot. I stood up and ran into my room, slamming the door on the way in. I pounced onto my bed and sat criss-cross applesauce with my head down and hair hanging in front of my face. I was breathing heavily and my head was spinning.

I knew I was overreacting - I should've been prepared for this. He's two years older than me, and he's fucking attractive, why wouldn't he have a girlfriend? And secondly, who would pick me as their girlfriend? I'm someone who just had their boyfriend killed and is emotionally weak. They might use me for sex, but not a long term relationship. Maybe that's what Anthony was doing...using me as a rebound until his girlfriend and he made up.

I stopped myself - I was taking it too far again. I pushed my hair back and sat up. I saw the apparition again. This time, though, it was crystal clear. It was a spitting image of Seth, the night he died.

"Brooke." He said.

I crawled to the end of my bed. "Seth?"

The ghost walked toward me and extended his hand out. He placed his hand on my cheek - all I felt was coldness. My skin was literally freezing. I raised my hand up to my cheek, to put my hand over his, but the hand disappeared.

"How?" I asked.

He smirked. "I'm a distressed soul, so, I'm stuck on earth." He walked toward the window and was facing away from me.

"How'd you find me? I left Cape Cod."

"I'm a ghost. I know things you would never get to know." He shrugged his shoulders, "And I'm your assigned 'guardian angel.'"

"How do I know I'm not just hallucinating from my total break down? Or what if I passed out and this is what I'm dreaming?"

"You're not Brooke."

"Why should I trust you? You left me all alone and in fucking shock, hell, I'm still in shock!"

He walked over to the and sat beside me. The bed didn't sink it, he did. "I'm sorry, Brooklyn. I'm an ass and I got myself killed."

"Well, you did beat a man to death. For no reason, too."

"Hey, he was going to shoot us if I didn't do something." He smiled and nudged me, but I felt nothing but coldness.

I smirked. Even in the after life he was comical.

 "You look beautiful, Brooke." He said.

"I haven't changed a bit." I replied, starting to play with my thumbs in my lap uncomfortably.

"Yeah. But you look happier."

I looked at his ghost. "I do?"

He nodded his head. "It upsets me." And he averted his attention away from me and out the window.

"It does? Why?"

"Because I'm not the one making you happy." He turned to me. "It's that Anthony guy who is. And he's such a douche! Why don't you see it?"

"He's not a douche!" I stood up in rage. "He's a very nice guy!"

"Mhmm..." He started picking his nails, like he always use to do. "Yeah, and nice guys ditch girls who they just kiss and move in with their 'girlfriend' that you never knew about."

I crossed my arm. He did have a point. "Still," I argued, "He's less of a douche than you were! You hated everybody!"

"Not you!" The ghost stood up from my bed. "I didn't hate you! I fell in love with you!"

I was fed up with him. "Go away." He just looked at me with eyes full of blackness. "Go!"

"Brooklyn?" Liam's familiar and for once comforting voice emanated from the hallway. Seth's ghost disappeared as the door flung open. "Brooklyn! Who are you yelling at?"

I turned around, "Uh...nobody. I just...uh...was talking to a friend on the phone." I looked over at my desk and saw the phone sitting on top of a piece of tablet paper. I ran over and picked it up. "Yeah, she insisted on talking to me, but she really needed to study for a test tomorrow."

He crossed his arms. "You seemed pretty upset when you yelled at her, is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just...I'm PMSing." I vouched out.

He smirked. "I'll leave you alone then." He turned around and walked out of my room, closing my door along the way.

I spun around and flopped on my bed. I let out a big breath and closed my eyes.

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