[Chapter 11] Sophomore Prom

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When I came to school Tuesday and told Helena I was going to prom, she was ecstatic. She couldn't stop talking about how we should go shopping together, and dance near each other, and all pitch in for a limousine, and blah blah blah. It was quite annoying, and half the time I zoned out, or came up with the excuse I was trying to take notes in class.

So, Thursday after school, Helena and I went shopping for dresses together. We went to this local shop and tried on a bunch of dresses. She settled on a sunshine yellow dress that was floor length and halter topped. She bought a small, pewter-colored handbag and shoes to go with her dress. I bought a navy blue dress that was accented with a white floral pattern on the skirt portion and a solid colored tank top with thick straps on top. It was knee length and I bought black high heels and a long cardigan to pair with it. She told me I looked gorgeous, and I returned the same compliment to her, she truly did.

Saturday night was the prom. I was sitting in my room applying makeup when the door bell rang. I quickly finished the swipe of mascara on my eyelashes and ran out of my room, so Liam wouldn't get the door. But before I left my room, I saw the same misty figure in the corner of my room. I slowed down to a stop in my threshold. It stared at me as I stared at it. I quickly turned away and fast-walked into the living room.

I hissed at Liam as he began to walk out of the kitchen. He put his hands up in the air, turned around, and stalked back into the kitchen.

I open the door and see Anthony in a black tuxedo with a white undershirt. He wore a navy blue tie, because I told him to match with me (pathetic as it sounds). He had a corsage in a box in his hand.

"Wow..." He said, "You look...amazing."

I smiled. "Thanks. You do too."

He opened the box and took the corsage out as I held my arm up. He widened the strap and pulled it over my hand. He adjusted it a little and smiled. "There we go."

I looked up at him and did the same thing I do every time I see his handsome face - I drowned everything else out and only focused on it. Not his words, or his actions, or even notice if there was a thunderstorm coming from the west.

He grabbed my hand and walked me over to his house, before we jumped in his car to go to prom, Ian came out.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked.

Anthony smacked his forehead. "We're going to prom, Ian."

"Ooh!" He exclaimed as his face lightened up. "I'll go change!"

"Ian!" Anthony yelled before Ian could do anything, "Brooklyn and I are just going. Not you."

Ian's facial expression changed with the blink of an eye. He crossed his arms, "You know what, Anthony? I'm sick of you and Brooke hanging out! Yeah, if you really knew her, you'd call her Brooke too, asshole." Anthony gasped. "Ever since she came here, you've be ignoring me and neglecting me! I'm god damn pissed off about it!"

My jaw dropped, I never knew Ian felt this way. If he did, I wouldn't be doing these things with Anthony.

"Go fuck off, Ian." Anthony said softly, but seriously.

"Wait!" I shouted as I walked towards Ian, who put his right foot on the small step that led inside of the house from the garage. "Please, come with Anthony and me." I held my hand out. "No one's going to be left behind." Ian slowly approached me and laid his hand in mine.

"Brooklyn!" Anthony whined.

I sighed and turned to him, "You shouldn't be treating your friend like this, Anthony. It's not right. I think the least we can do is let him come with us to prom."

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