[Chapter 10] First Day of School

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Monday was my first day attending Sacramento Charter High School. The teachers were really nice to me, explaining to me the school stuff I would need to learn to catch up to their other students and stuff like that. The students on the other hand, eh, not so much. They were too "in their cliques" already and excluded me. Except for one girl, Helena. She was African American and she was relatively new to the school too. She had silky, smooth, black hair and brown eyes. She welcomed me to her lunch table, which was basically her and a few other people who ignored her.

"So, how's your first impression on SCHS?" She asked me.

"Not good." I admitted.

"It's okay. I don't really like it here either." She consoled. "The people here are really mean. Except for you guys." I looked up and saw the people at the table had their eyes on her, though they went back to what they were doing almost immediately.

"How hard was it for you to come into the school?" I inquired.

She chuckled. "I probably had a better experience than you did, seeing you came when there was only a few months left of school. I came more towards the beginning of the year."

"You got that right." I laughed.

We were silent for a minute or too, but she brought the conversation back up. "Are you going to prom this weekend?"

"There's prom this weekend?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm going with Todd. He's a friend of mine. Caucasian, red hair, freckles. He might be in some of your classes, because I saw you earlier today when you walked out of a class he was in."

"Oh, I don't know if I'm going."

"You only get one chance to go to prom, hon." She said.

"I know, but I wouldn't have a date." I frowned.

She looked stumped for a little, then her eyes lit up with cheerfulness. "I'm sure you could tag along with Todd and me! He's really nice and I'm sure you two will make amazing friends."

"Thanks, Helena, but I'm not sure yet."

"You should come." She smiled, "It'll be a blast. I know it."

Helena and I walked home together. She told me how she has five other siblings, three older and two younger. She told me her dad died and her mom was struggling to support their family. I felt bad for her. Then I told her my situation, and she felt sorry for me. We walked to her house first since it was closer to the school. She told me that she'd see me tomorrow and she walked into the apartment complex.

I walked home and was immediately intercepted by Anthony. "Brooklyn!" He walked across his lawn and joined me as I walked up my driveway. "How was your first day at school?"

"Not as pleasant as you'd think." I smirked.

"Well, high school wasn't great for me either." He said, wrapping his arm around my back.

I walked up to my door and turned the knob, but it was locked. "Shit..." I scrambled through my backpack looking for keys - Liam must've left to go somewhere.

I threw my backpack to the ground and sighed. "I'm locked out."

"You can come over to my place." Anthony offered.

"Sure." I picked up my bag and we walked over to his place. He and I walked in and sat at the table.

There was no communication between us, only looking at each other ever so often. I hate those moments, so I thought to bring up prom. "Did you know that there is a prom this weekend at SCHS?"

"No." He laughed. "I haven't really 'checked up' on SCHS."

"Well there is. My friend Helena wants me to go with her and her date. I don't really want to go at all."

"You should!" Anthony jumped at my response.

"Why?" I laughed. "There's going to be a senior one..."

"Look, I didn't go to my tenth grade one. I stayed home with Ian watching horror movies all night. And I've regretted it ever since, I think you should go, Brooklyn."

"I don't know Anthony..."

He cupped my hands in his. "I really think you should go."

"I don't have a date. I can't go alone."

"Go with Helena! She basically invited you to tag along, it won't be so bad."

"I'd rather you come with me." Redness grew in my cheeks. "You know, have someone to go with who I know pretty well."

He smirked, "Are you asking me to prom?"

I sighed. "I don't know." I retracted my hands and set them in my lap. I looked down.

"Well," He continued, "If you were asking, I would say yes. You would be a wonderful date. And if you weren't asking, I want to ask you to the prom."

I looked up. His face was full of faith and hope. I smiled. "Thanks, Anthony."

He smiled and stood up. "So, what are your plans for this evening? Because Ian and I need you to help with editing."

"I have a little homework, but that's it. I'd be glad to come over around seven." I offered, standing up and walking over to him.

He looked down at me and smirked. "That sounds wonderful, I'll be waiting here."

I bit my lip and turned around. I picked up my bag and headed out of his house.

"Hey! What are you doing?" He shouted after me in a teasing manner. "You're locked out, remember?"

I stopped in my tracks and glanced back at him. "My parent's are CIA agents. Though they don't let us train with them, I've watched some of their instructional videos. I'm sure I can sneak in someway." I smirked and walked out of the door.

I ended up grabbing a rock that surrounded the tree in the front yard and throwing it at my bedroom window. I crawled through and cleaned up all of the shattered pieces of glass.

Liam came home about twenty minutes later with groceries. He apologized for leaving and locking the door, he forgot I didn't have a key. He asked me how I got in, and I lied and said I found a spare one somehow.

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