[Chapter 16] Matchmaker

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After a Saturday of shooting the second part of the Assassins series, Anthony and Ian came over to my house for a night off. I was going to order a pizza and rent some of the newest movies. I told Ian that if he'd like to, he could invite Melanie over, but he told me that he was too scared to. Liam was out, so I didn't have to worry about him.

We were all sitting in the living room, watching Transformers and eating pizza. I sat in between Ian and Anthony. Anthony sat the closest to me - it was as if we were attached at the hip almost. Ian, well, he sat on the other couch. I felt really bad for him.

Luckily, I had met Melanie while I was getting something for Anthony and Ian.We exchanged numbers and said we'd meet up sometime.

I opened my phone and created a new text message. "Hey, Mels. What are you up to?"

I put my phone down and she was quick enough to respond. "I'm at gas station near your house filling up my car, and I might be here a while because theres a problem with the pump :P why?"

"Ian." I said immediately after reading the texts message.

He looked over at me.

"Can you go get some ice cream for us? Oh, and you might need to fill up my car with gas."

"I'll just use mine," He answered as he stood up.

"No!" I shot up and caught him before he walked out. "I really need my car filled up, please?" I grabbed his hands and pouted.

He rolled his eyes, "Fine, only because you're my friend."

I smiled and hugged him, "Thanks, Ian."

He grabbed my keys off of the hook and walked out of the house.

"That was really random." Anthony noted as I sat next to him.

"I sent him out to get ice cream...what's random about that?"

"Oh come on, no one tells their friend to get ice cream and fill up their car. What are you up to, Brooke?"

I sighed, "Ian looked lonely and sad. So I sent him to the gas station where Melanie is. She's having some trouble with the pump, so she'll be there a while."

He rolled his eyes, "That's a good plan, if Ian goes to the right gas station! There's a bunch in Sacramento."

"If he's smart enough..."

"He's not!" Anthony reminded me.

"Let me continue!" I yelled as I playfully hit him. "If he's smart enough, he'll go to the one nearest to us, which Melanie's at."

Anthony rolled his eyes, "It's not going to work. He's going to A) go to the wrong gas station or B) go to the right one, freak out when he sees Melanie, and go to another one."

"Have some faith, Anthony."

He laughed, "You have too much faith."

I smirked and went back to watching the movie.


I woke up laying in front of Anthony on the couch. I could feel his warm breaths on the back of my neck. His arms were wrapped around my waist, holding me close to him.

The TV was on and the DVD's home menu was on. The song "New Divide" by Linkin Park was playing on constant repeat, with the same images flashing by every time. The ceiling fan was spinning slowly, creating no breeze. I looked over at the door and saw Ian walking in and quietly closing the door.

He turned around with a huge smile on his face. He walked over to the TV and began to shut things down. Then, he made his way over to the couch. He rested his feet on the coffee table and put his arms behind his head, letting out a huge breath.

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