[Chapter 18] The Video

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Ian and I had taken a break from videos for a while, due to Brooklyn's passing. We didn't talk for a while after Brooklyn's funeral, where we introduced ourselves to her parents. But, one day, we both were at a low, despite Ian's new relationship with Melanie and we decided to forgive each other and stop fighting, for us and for her. We finished the Assassins series too, and we're pretty proud of ourselves.

I was watching the video over again before I uploaded to YouTube. I was pretty tired, I had been up for hours editing the video and adding our introduction. But I had to make sure it was perfect.

Ian and I were sitting in front of the computer in the office. Our facial expressions were serious.

"Hey guys," I greeted sadly, "We don't do this normally, but we are dedicating this video to someone who meant a lot to us."

Ian continued explaining, "Our neighbor, and one of our best friends, recently took her own life. She was the most amazing girl you would ever have the chance to meet."

Back to me: "Ian and I have been fighting, outside of the Assassins videos. She didn't like it, one bit. All she wanted was for us to be friends. And we didn't really do that when she was alive." I looked over at Ian.

He looked back at me, and then to the camera. "So, we want this video, Smosh Reunited, to be dedicated to Brooklyn Hess. Because she was a lover, not a fighter."

And the video began. I stopped in and pressed the upload button.

As it began to transfer, I felt another crying fit coming on. I couldn't hold it in anymore, and I broke down. Good thing Ian was out, I wouldn't want him to see me like this. But then again, I could use a best friend right now.

The computer beeped, indicating the video was done being put on YouTube. I wipe my cheeks dry and wiped under my eyes. I looked at the computer and sighed. I turned around to get up and walk out of the room when I the left corner of the room behind me lit up.

I turned around and saw Brooklyn. She was wearng the outfit she wore when I first met her. She had her arms crossed and a smile on her face.


"I'm so proud of you guys." She stated, walking towards me. I stumbled back and sat down in the chair. "You meant a lot to me."

"You meant, and still mean, a lot to me too." I uttered.

She bent down, placed her ghost hand on my left cheek and kissed my right. When she stepped back, I put my hand up to my cheeks. They were icy cold.

"Don't give up, Anthony. You'll find love again, I know I did." She smiled slightly and disappeared.

I sat there for a while, trying to process what just happened to me. I snapped out of my daze and scrambled out of the room and into the kitchen, where my phone was charging. I ripped it off of the charger and dialed Ian.

"Yeah?" Ian said on the other line.

"Dude, Brooklyn's still with us!"

"What do you mean?"

"I saw her. I saw her!"

"Anthony, what the hell are you talking about?"

"She came to me, Ian! She told me that I'd find love again, just like her!"

"You got to calm down, man."

"She's stil with us!!!"

I hung up and slammed my phone onto the counter. I leaned back on the fridge and sighed in relief. I put my hands in my pockets and grinned. Brooklyn gave me hope again, and I knew she gave me just what I needed to live normally again.

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