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"Are you ready?"

I jumped, not expecting to hear someone speak. I was so far into my thoughts, I completely forgot about Caliburn- which is my sword. I turned to him.

"Huh? O-oh yeah. I guess..." I stared at the golden crusted doors in front of me, waves of anxiety hitting me. "It's just... So weird. One minute, I'm the fastest thing alive, and the next I'm being crowned king." I shook my head. "I don't even know the first thing about ruling."

Caliburn sighed from his hilt. "Which is why Merlina and I are here. We will help you."

"I know." I sighed. I was wearing my golden armor for the event. It wasn't the most comfortable thing in the world. "... It's still weird."

My sword chuckled. "You'll get used to it."

The doors swung open a moment later, and soft music hit my ears. The walls were decorated with paintings and glass windows. Banners of blue and gold hung from the ceiling, showing a picture of a golden glowing sword. A empty throne sat in the front. The Knights of the Round Table- Percival, Lancelot, Gawain, Galahad- and the Lady of the Lake stood behind it, as well as Merlina. People stood from their wooden seats and turned to face me. I gave a small gulp, and walked in between the isles, keeping my gaze in the front of the room. Whispers reached my ears moments later, and I eventually listened in.

"... Wonder who the Queen will be..."

"... He's so handsome..."

"... I hope he chooses me to rule by his side..."

I blinked, but kept my jaw set. What are they talking about?

I reached the Pope, who held a candle in one hand and a sphere in another, and stood in front of the throne.

"We have gathered here today to watch as a new hope arises from the ashes of the past, and lights our way to our future." The Pope began in a wavering voice.

I didn't really listen to the rest of his speech, or prayer, or whatever you want to call it. But I caught a few words, and pretty much understood what he was trying to say. After a few more moments, his attention was brought on me.

In a small voice, he said, "Art thou ready?"

I nodded. Hey, if you lived with these people for as long as I have, you pick up a word or two.

He handed me the candle. "This candle represents the ever lasting light that will guide us all. Do thou taketh this burden as your own?"

I nodded again, and he lit the candle.

He placed the sphere in my other hand, and said, "This shall represent the world in which thou will rule and watch over. Do thou promise to keep this promise and stand for us all?"

I nodded once more.

He nodded in return, and stepped out of my way and revealed the throne. A crown was waiting in Merlinas' hands, and she smiled at me. I returned it quickly, and headed towards the throne. I slowly sank into it and watched as the crown was slowly placed on my head.

"All Hail Sonic. King of Camelot!" The Pope announced.

"All Hail King Sonic!" The audience boomed, and bowed to me.

That still feels weird. I thought, keeping a cringe from showing. I couldn't help but feel somewhat prideful, so I raised my head a bit.

The next few hours went by with people passing and dropping their gifts at my feet, or bowing and muttering, "Your Highness." Or occasionally doing both.

"You did well," I heard Nimue whisper. I smiled, but said nothing.


I layed in my king sized bed and stared at the ceiling way above me. Geuss what I was thinking about. Yep, Mobius. Tails, Cream, the Chaotix, Knuckles, and... Amy.

Amy. I thought, sudden sadness filling me. Wonder if they've noticed that I'm gone. I sighed.

Someone knocked on my door a moment later.

"Come in." I called, and watched as Merlina slowly opened the door.

"Your Highness, your presence is requested." She said with a smile.

I hopped off the bed and made my way out with a smirk. "You don't have to call me that, you know."

"I understand that. But it's formal, and you must get used to it." She replied gently.

That's what Caliburn said. I thought, a bubble of irritation making it's way to me. I smiled either way. "Yeah, yeah. I know." I paused. "Where are we going, anyway?"

"The Round Table has decided to rebuild what I have destroyed, and they would like you to help."

"Not much to do here anyway." I replied. "Where are they now?"

"Near the forest village."

I nodded, and boosted off.


Well, that was the first chappie! Hope you guys enjoyed it, and enjoy what's to come. And yes, this is another random Sonic fanfiction. Stay tuned, mah peeps!

Thorns and Roses (A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now