Merlinas' Secret

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"Head back!"


"Turn around!"


"You will die if you fight him alone!"

I sighed and skid to a stop. I brought Caliburn in front of me and frowned. "What makes you so certain? I've fought bigger and much more dangerous things than Arthur."

"But you almost got killed by Merlina!" Caliburn protested.

"Almost. But this armor helped me remember?" I poked his hilt. "I also remember that you were the one that broke in half..." I paused for a moment, memory flashing. Then I shook my head. "This armor saved both of us. It'll do it again."

"How do you know?" He asked as I continued to walk. "What if it doesn't?!"

"I'm taking Nimues' advice." I stated quietly. "I'm not gonna live on what ifs'."

He didn't respond.

The walk was quiet. No birds chirped. The leaves didn't rustle. It was like the world was holding it's breath. The sky was covered with dark, heavy clouds again. The smell of rain drifted in the still air. The only sound was my shoes crunching down dead leaves and grass. At least, for a while.

My ear flickered, and I stopped.

"Caliburn," I whispered. "Listen."

At first, I heard nothing. Then, I heard a soft voice. A very soft voice.

"What?" Caliburn asked.

I held up a hand to him and slowly inched my way through the trees. The voice slowly grew louder, but still soft. I could hear what it was saying.

"Dark King of age, return to this world. Use my own flesh as a guide to your resurection."

I blinked and pushed aside some branches. Standing opposite from me was Merlina, staff out and surrounded by magic markings. She was bent down, obviously murmuring some prayer. Black whispy magic flowed off her. I knew what she was doing.

"Merlina!" I shouted, stepping out of the branches. "Merlina stop!"

Her head snapped up, and she gave me a small, evil smile. "King Sonic. I am pleased to see you."

I held Caliburn in front of me. "Stop this! Now!"

"I'm afraid I can't do that." She laughed quietly. "It is my duty to serve the true King."

"What are you talking about?" Caliburn growled. "The true King is standing in front of you!"

I tensed a bit.

She slowly stood with a smirk, the globe on the top of her staff glowing.

"We'll see." She raised her staff above her head, and shouted, "King Arthur, darkest of Knights and Kings-"

I held out a hand. "Merlina don't-!"

She ignored me. "I call to you!"

Her staff hit the ground. Dark magic shot out of the ground and surrounded her and the area around her. It grew in size, causing me to back up. A scream of pain drifted to my ears, causing them to ring.

"Merlina!" I shouted.

The magic slowly shrunk into a tall, buff figure. Armor slowly formed from it, and soon I could decipher where it's arms and legs were.

"No.." Caliburn gasped.

I gripped his hilt tighter, and scowled. "Arthur."

"Hello, Your Highness." He said, amusement and venom dripping in his voice.

Thorns and Roses (A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now