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"Sonic! You're okay!" Tails cried as soon as he saw me.

He hugged me tightly, and I laughed.

"Hey bud. Nice to see you again." I chuckled.

He pulled back and grinned brightly. "Same."

Knuckles gave me a short nod. I returned it. Amy then came up to me with a gift, smiling softly. She set it on my lap.

"What's this for?" I asked, blinking at it.

Tails took a moment to reply. "Well, it's your welcome back slash happy birthday gift.

I looked up at them. "I slept past my birthday?"

They all nodded slowly.

I sat the box aside and sat up a bit straighter. "How long was I out?"

"... Six months." Amy replied a bit sadly.

I winced.

Wow. What ever happened must've knocked me out BIG time.

"How did I end up here? In a hospital?"

They glanced at eachother, then back at me.

"You don't remember?" Knuckles asked.

I shook my head.

"Well, it was during one of our fights with Eggbreath." Amy began, a disgusted look on her face. "You went to go destroy a robot he made with your usual spin dash attack, and it caught you in mid-air."

"It threw you half way through the field we were in." Tails continued. "We went to see if you were okay. But... What we found was a very broken body. Amy went crazy-"

"Did not!" Amy inturrupted.

"-and destroyed the robot in a matter of seconds. We rushed you to the nearest hospital as fast as we could, and when we did make it you were immediately taken from us. We waited for at least two hours for any news. When we did, it... It was devastating." He looked down. "You had a spranged arm and ankle. A few cuts and bruises were covered with bandages. But the main thing that kept us worrying was on top of your head." He looked up. "You had a fractured skull."

I blinked, not knowing what to say.

That's... That's what happened? I was knocked out for six months because of that? I thought for another moment. Was all that just a dream?

"But now you're back, so we don't have to worry anymore!" Tails said with a grin.

I smiled at him. "Yeah. You're right."

"Now open the present!" Amy shouted excitedly. "Open it!"

I chuckled at her girlish antics, and set the box back in my lap. When I uncovered it and pulled it out, my smile dropped into a small o-shape. It was a small collage of all of us. Each had their own photo around one big picture of us together. The frame was a navy blue with a white line in the middle. The bottom said one word:


I stared at it for a minute.

"Do you like it?" Amy asked quietly. "We all made it together. Well, me and Tails did anyway. Silver gave us the idea."

I slid a hand over the glass slowly. "It's... It's amazing." I mumbled, and looked up with a very bright smile. "Thank you."

They smiled brightly.


Thorns and Roses (A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now