Chapter Four

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I'm just going to keep the chapters like this. Making up a title takes forever. Enjoy!


"Where have you been?" A voice boomed.

Merlina slowly knelt in front of an ancient looking mantle. "Forgive me, Your Highness." She replied. "I was almost caught."

A smokey figure stepped out from the shadows and stood in front of her. "You know you can call me by my true name."

Merlina smiled. "Yes. But it only seems fitting."

The figure chuckled and placed what looked like a hand underneath her chin. It brought her face slowly upwards. "You are my Queen. I shall not accept any other name but my own." He took his hand away.

Merlina stood and sighed. "Very well.... Arthur."

"That's better. Now, have you brought me my snack?"

Merlina nodded, and pointed the top of her staff at her palm. A whiskey ice-blue orb formed onto her palm, and she slowly brought it towards the figure. It placed his hand over the orb, and the smoke seemed to become more solid.

"Ah. Much better. Thank you, Merlina."

She nodded, and watched as the smoke melted back into the darkness.

All in time. She thought, then walked away.

* Sonics' POV *

"Your Highness. Your Highness, wake up!"

I slowly opened my eyes with a groan. There was a metallic taste in my mouth, and my head seemed to buzz. "Ugh. W... What happened?" I asked as I sat up.

"You fainted." Galahad repied, worry written all over his face.

I blinked. The others stared at me with the same expressions, Nimue with the most.

"I just.. Fainted? Like that?" I asked.

They nodded.

"You weren't breathing for the longest time." Nimue said quietly. "We believed that you were..." She turned her head and closed her eyes.

I stood. "I'm alright now, aren't I?" I asked with a grin.

She didn't look up. "I'm just.. Ashamed, I suppose." She mumbled.

I walked up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Why?"

She looked up at me and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something, then shrugged off my hand, mumbled, "I can't tell you," and walked away before vanishing.

My hand was still in the air. I somehow felt heart broken. After a moment of staring after her, I closed my eyes and dropped my hand.

"Your Highness?" I heard Percival ask gently.

I opened my eyes. "Look after Caliburn for me. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid."

"What-?!" I didn't let him finish his sentence. I boosted off towards the direction of the Lake, knowing that Nimue'd be there.


I snuck around the tree Nimue leaned against with a smirk. When I peeked around the tree, I froze. A dark creature creeped through the shade of trees, slowly but surely.

Straight to Nimue.

My eyes widened. "Nimue! Move now!"

Seeming as if she broke out of a trance, she blinked and looked in the creatures direction. Then she gasped and stood. I quickly scooped her up in my arms and boosted off in the opposite direction, keeping my eyes on the road. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she dug her face into my shoulder. Heat rose to my muzzle.

After a good five minutes, I stopped and set her down slowly. She staggered a bit after I let go, and grasped onto my arm to steady herself.

"Woah. Careful there." I said gently, holding onto her arms.

She looked up at me slowly and I froze again. I was suddenly lost in her eyes, and the way she held onto me suddenly became more important. My heart sped up at least twice it's normal rate. Every detail of her dress and her in particular was clear. My breath caught.

She's... So...

I felt myself lean in. Her eyes slowly closed and her lips parted a bit. My own eyes closed as I bent closer. Then, my lips found hers. I pushed mine over hers slowly, gently. In a steady pattern. Tiny fireworks went off in my head, and my head became lighter with each movement. Her arms slowly wrapped around my waist, bringing me closer. Goosebumps formed where she slid her arms, and I gave an accidental pur. I was... Enjoying it. I pushed my lips onto hers a bit harder as I placed my hands around her waist. She intensified it more with a small moan. An moment later, her lips pulled back. I slowly opened my eyes, and found her staring at me with sparkling eyes. That's when I finally admitted that I was in love.

I put my forehead onto hers gently, and smiled warmly. "You know how you said that I need someone to rule with earlier?" I whispered.

"Yes." She whispered back.

I moved a hand over to hers and entwined my fingers with hers. "I wouldn't be any happier if it was you."

Nimues eyes filled with surprise, but it also filled with joy and happiness. "Me?"

I nodded.

She gave me a grin, then pecked my lips. "Yes," She whispered. "I'd be happy to."

I grinned back. An idea popped in my head. "Since you get to call me Arthur, can I call you Amy?"

Her nose wrinkled up in disgust. "And why's that?"

I narrowed my eyes teasingly. "You remind me of her. That's why."

She rolled her eyes. "Very well. But not around anyone."

"Deal." I replied, then kissed her again.

She kissed back without protest.

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