Chapter Seven

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I stared at the bright inferno before me with an opened mouth. Heat waves continued to pass me as sweat formed on every single inch of my body, throat schorched and burning. I then realized Caliburn talking after a while, and managed to listen in to what he was saying.

"You must move! Get out of the castle, for goodness sakes!" He shouted.

I turned and ran out without responding, disbelief crawling inside me.

I hope people are alright. I thought. Guilt hit me a moment later. What did I do?

The night's cool air hit me as soon as I passed the doors. People stood around the front of the castle with shocked expressions. A few people ran up to me.

"Are you alright, Your Highness?"

"Do you need anything?"

"What happened?"

"How did the castle become on fire?!"

" 'Scuse me." I mumbled, pushing past them gently. I was looking for the Knights of the Round Table, hoping that they were alright. "Percival! Galahad!" I called. Someone grabbed onto my glove and pulled me to where they stood.

A man glared at me through angry tears as rage seemed to cloud around his eyes. "You fool!" He nearly screamed. "My family was in there! You killed them! You did this!"

My mouth hung open. I couldn't form any words but, "I'm... I'm sorry." Wrong choice.

The man pulled back his fist and punched me in the jaw, knocking me to the ground. The crowd gasped. "Lies!" He shrieked. "You killed them for fun! To see what'll happen to a poor, young child and wife! To laugh as they screamed in pain!"

I sat up, rubbing my jaw. His words shocked me. The way his cry echoed through my ears made me cringe. But, the heavy grief and pain in his voice was what made me guilty.

"I knew we shouldnt've trusted you!" He continued. "You're a back stabbing, worthless peice of wood that acts like you're on top of everyone else! Just like the last king before you! Cruel and evil! " He spat on the ground next to me, and walked away, pushing other people out of his way.

I stared after him with a dumbfounded expression, not caring about the throbbing pain in my jaw.

He's... He's right. I thought. I didn't even try to save anyone. It is my fault. I looked down, the feeling the weight on my shoulders returning.

I stood and walked away, people moving out of my way with sad or sympathetic looks. I then boosted away, barely able to stand the stares on my back for much longer. The castle, I decided, was to be left to burn.


"Nimue!" I cried as I ran in a circle in front of the Lake. "Nimue!"

Her image appeared a moment later. Her eyes followed me as I ran, a baffled look on her face. "What is it?"

I stopped in front of her, letting my feelings show through my face. "I... I want to leave."

Her face turned into shock. "What? Why?"

"I can't do this, anymore." I said, desperation in my voice. "This is to much. I need to leave this place. I just... I just need to leave. I have to leave. To much pressure, stress, difference. I miss my own world. I miss my friends. Heck, I even miss Eggman!" I sat on the ground and placed my hands in my face, shaking my head. "I can't do this anymore. To much. I'm only sixteen. And all I am is a hero. Not a king." I looked up. "King Sonic. Does that sound right to you? It feels weird every time someone calls me 'Your Highness', or 'King'. I can't live like this for to much longer."

She walked in front of me and squated, looking over my face.

I shook my head, and my voice cracked. "I can't." I leaned into her shoulder with eyes closed. She hugged me and stroked my quills, making my head buzz with delight.

Her lips brushed the side of my head for a second, and she whispered, "I'm sorry." Her words sounded heavy with sympathy and regretful denial.

I knew what she meant. I hugged her tightly as a wave of sadness and homesickness hit me. I dug my face into her shoulder as it grew. After another moment I pulled away and stared into her sorrowful eyes. I placed a hand on her cheek and gently stroked it, allowing a small smile. She leaned towards me, although seeming hesitant. I finished the gap and sank my lips into hers, cherishing the taste of her lips. She kissed back passionately, feircly. I snaked my arms around her slowly, adding in a small groan. I brought her to the ground and continued to kiss her, intensifying it a bit more. Her hands seemed to be glued to my chest. Her fingers made my blood boil. Her tongue then slipped into my mouth, and surprise filled every inch of my body. A new feeling crawled through me, and I purred. I tilted my head slightly and used my tongue to dance around her mouth. She moaned with delight and need, then pulled away for air. I hated it.

She looked down at me, panting kind of. I gave her a look, and that seemed to push her foreward. Her arms slid around my waist as she kissed me again, adding in the tongue. I gave a slight growl and tightened my grip. Her hands found my quills, and she began to play with them. We stayed like that for another few seconds before she pulled away once more.

I took her cheek in one hand and smiled. "I love you, Amy."

She smiled back. "I love you too, Arthur."


Do you think there was to much sonamy in that? If you do, tell me in the comments and if I get enough yups, I'll go back and edit. Hoped you enjoyed! Bai~!

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