Pains Discovered

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I didn't let anyone question what I just said. I stood and boosted in the direction of the town, worry draining everything else out. Dark and heavy clouds rolled over the land, making everything seem dark and sinister. It didn't take me long to get to the village and see the smoke rising from it. I sped up, gritting my teeth.

But when I arrived, I was to late.

I gaped at the scene before me, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. I slowly walked through the mess, staring at it all as I passed. I slowly felt the weight on my shoulders growing as I walked on, stepping over bodies with caution.

The... The whole village... I-I couldn't save them.

I dropped to my knees then, legs suddenly feeling heavy. I was still shocked, and waves of disbelief continued to crash into me. I slowly looked up. In front of me was a young looking cat in between what looked like her mother and father. All three. Dead.

My body shook as I stared at them. Sudden anger slowly coated over my blood, boiling and flaring inside me like a bonfire. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth, not even bothering to keep it under control. What was the point?

"Well, hello again." A voice said. Arthur.

My anger grew twice it's size. "You." I spat, putting every ounce of loathing and rage into that one single word.

"Yes. Me."He repeated. "Lovely word, that is."

I saw a flicker of movement, and whipped around to punch him. But, he wasn't there.

"Show yourself!!" I shouted into the darkness.

"So sad to see that the ruler is so weak." He teased, seeming from the right of me. I swung again, and missed. My anger rose.

"Where are you?!" I shrieked.

"Sonic!! Calm down!!" A familiar voice suddenly shouted.

I blinked, anger slowly melting away to make room for sorrow.

Amy? I thought. She... She can't be... I then realized that it was Nimue. I felt her hand taking mine. I closed my eyes.

"You have two more days." Arthur said unexpectedly. "Be there or watch them die."

I shook my head. No. I can't stand to see another death. Why can't this just end?

I turned to Nimue and hugged her, wanting comfort. She hugged me back after a moment. For what felt like the millionth time, my heart was heavy. But this time, it was much heavier than before. Everything that I've felt from the past months just welled up inside me, and I clinged on to it. The anger, stress, homesickness, darkness, sorrow, guilt, grief, pain, and despair welled up inside me, creating a pit of feelings in my heart. I hated it.

"Arthur," She whispered. "I'll... We'll let you go."

I continued to hold her. "There's no way to go." I croaked. "I'm stuck here."

"Well, there is one way."

I pulled back and looked into her eyes. There was sorrow.

I was about to ask something, but Lancelot inturrupted. "Gawaiin?"

I looked up to see a red blob a few feet away, seemingly limping it's way towards us. He looked like he was carrying a yellow fox, who looked very familiar. I then recognized them as Sir Gawaiin and the Blacksmith, and ran towards them.

As I went closer, I noticed that the Echidna looked much more injured up close. So was the Blacksmith, who also held Caliburn. His blade was bent at a strange angle, slightly chipped on the edge.

"What happened?" I asked, alarmed.

"Take... Him..."He croaked, shoving the fox in my arms, then collapsed at my feet.


I squeezed the water in the cloth on Gawaiin's head. He still didn't wake.

I sighed and looked at our surroundings. We were pretty much in the middle of nowhere, trees surrounding us and sky still dark with clouds. Here and there thunder would clap. I knew it was going to rain soon.

I looked over at the Knights, who were building a small but strong shelter. Piles of wood and large leaves was placed in front of it. Nimue was mending to Caliburn, who was now awake.

"Agh! Careful!" He shouted, wincing as his blade was bent back in place. "That stings."

Nimue smiled. "Very well, Sacred Sword. I will try my best."

I looked at the Blacksmith that lay next to Gawaiin, head wrapped with bandages. I placed a hand on his shoulder sadly, wishing that they'd wake up. Partly because I wanted to know what happened. The other part, was because I just wanted them to wake up. A drop of rain soon hit my nose, and I quickly wiped it off.

I headed towards the Knights and asked, "How's it going?"

Galahad looked up. "I think we're almost finished. Just the back needs a bit more work."

I nodded, turning my head to the side and staring off into space.

He jumped down and walked up to me. "I understand how you feel." He said quietly. "I know that you wanna go back."

I didn't respond. Or look at him.

"I promise. We'll find a way. No matter what it takes."

I blinked and finally looked at him. "What?"

"I said I-"

"I know what you said." I inturrupted. "I just thought that you'd try to explain to me why I should stay."

"If I ever did that, I would possibly never forgive myself. You just look... So unhappy here. So uncertain." He shook his head. "I wouldn't want to be trapped on a world where I don't know anyone. I would feel misplaced."

I smiled at him. "Thanks for the concern, Galahad."

He shot me one back, and went to go work on the shelter again.

I turned and walked back to Gawaiin and the Blacksmith. I sat there for a while, feeling a drop or two of water drip on my head. The silence seemed to slowly lull me to sleep, and I began to doze off. A lullaby then made it's way into my head.

Let the sweet song of trees drift you away. Into a world in which noone else can enter.
Where the river weeds sing softly,
And the grass slowly dances.
Where the wind whistles Harmoniously, and the birds hum.

Sleep well, my love. Sweet dreams.
Do not let today trouble you.
Do not let tomorrow trouble you.

Listen to the Song of Nature.
The Song of Peace.
And slowly, slowly, drift to sleep.

Sleep well, my love. Sweet dreams.
And may all your worries drift Away.

I didn't know where it came from. But the voice was soft. And sweet. Filled with sorrow. I still managed to close my eyes, and slip into a peaceful sleep.


Once again, the lullaby is MINE!! I made it up at the top of my head, too. So no rude comments about it!

Thorns and Roses (A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now