Chapter Eight

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Many thanks to @Rockieluv for the votes and things! Really appreciate it! CHARACTERS AREN'T MINE!!


Gawaiin marched up to me, a seemingly perminet scowl on his face.

"Where have you been?!" He growled. "We believed you were caught in the fire! Scared all of us!"

I crossed my arms. "I was trying to get some space." I replied gruffly. "How would you like it if a hundred people stared at you as you pass by?"

"That happens often." He growled. "It shouldn't matter now."

"It does when you notice it." I snapped.

"Gawaiin! That is not the issue!" Percival shouted, stepping up to him. "What matters is the Castle, and how we will restore it."

I smiled nervously. "Yeah. About that."

All their heads turned to me.

I scratched the side of my head. "Well, I don't really... Think we should rebuild it."

They all blinked. "What?!"

I put my hands up defensively. "Think about it! How many times has it been built and burnt down? If we rebuild it, that will only happen again. It would waste peoples' money, and I don't want that." I raised my arms in a shrug. "Plus, what's the point in having a castle? It's not fair that I get a gigantic building with millions of rooms that I don't need while everyone else gets... Cottages."

"The point," Galahad replied. "Is to show that you are King."

I tapped the crown on my head. "Isn't this enough proof? Who else has golden armor and a talking sword?"

"But where will you rest? Surely not in the village.'' Percival asked, sounding perplexed.

I grinned. "I don't need a place to stay. I've gotta free spirit, remember? I go wherever, whenever. No rules or laws are gonna stop me!"

"But what about us?" Gawaiin growled.

My grin dropped. Oh.

Gawaiin smirked. "Guess you're not that considerate as we thought." He stepped into my face. "Mabye that man was right. We shouldnt've trusted you." He walked away afterwards, leaving me boiling.

"What's gotten into him?" I growled. "It's like I did a crime or something."

Percival shook her head. "I don't know."

What he said hit me like a boulder. I didn't understand what had happened. Not by a long shot. He was definately Knuckles.

"Do not worry about us, King Sonic." Percival said gently. "I actually believe that your words are true."

I gave her a smile. But the next moment, it disappeared. "Where's Caliburn?"

"We gave him to the Blacksmith." Lancelot replied. "In case you didn't return."

"What I want to know, is how the Castle burnt down in the first place." Galahad questioned.

My heart dropped to my feet. Memories of the fight returned instantly. I sighed. "Well, it all started when..." I explained everything as quickly as I could. Chills unexpectedly crawled down my back as I recalled the cold voice. When I finished, they all stared at me with shock.

"King Arthur's... Back?" Galahad asked quietly.

I nodded.

Lancelot finally spoke. "We have to find her. Before it's to late."

Thorns and Roses (A Sonic and the Black Knight fanfiction)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now