Chapter 11: This Can't Be Happening!

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(Picture of Andrew)

This Can't Be Happening!

I stood shocked looking at Troy. He was serious when he texted me that he will see me soon. Flashes of our time together and how he treated me run through my mind instantly. He was a monster and I was glad he was out of my life but here he was, standing in front of me now.

"Troy." I said in a whisper, "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I moved back here a week ago." He said. He then chuckled at my reaction. "Don't worry, I'm still all yours."

I scoffed at him and folded my arms over my chest, "Did you forget that before you left, I broke up with you?" I asked him.

"Oh come on babe, we both know you didn't mean that. I get it and I forgave you." He said, taking a step closer to me.

I step back until my back touched the porch railing, "No Troy, I was serious. We are done and there is nothing that you can do or say to change that." I said with determination in my voice. This boy could not be serious. What did he meant by he forgave me? I wasn't the one that did something.

His grey eyes turned cold and he narrowed them at me. He closed the distance between us and grab my hand in a tight grip. "You are making a very big mistake. You are mine and will always be mine." He said in an angry tone. I see that he didn't change at all. He was still the same person that left two years ago.

I tried to shove him away from me, but he was too strong. "Let go of me you jerk. I'm not afraid of you." I said with much conviction in my voice.

He let out a dry humourless chuckle, gripping my arm tighter, "Now, now babe. Don't be like that. You know you want me."

My arm was starting to sting with pain because of his tight grip. I tried shoving him once more. "Let go of my arm. You're hurting me." I said wincing in pain.

He looked at me one last time before he released my arm. He turned to walk back through the door. When he pulled the door open, he turned to look back at me. "See you around, babe." He said before he went through the door and out of sight.

I rubbed my sore hand and tried to calm myself. I heard the door pulled again and I saw my two best friends looking at me frantically.

"Where have you been? We have been looking everywhere for you." Stacy said waving her hands in the air.

"Calm down guys." I said clearing my throat. "I was out here." Both girls looked at me quizzically.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked concern evident in her voice.

"What do you mean? Of course I am." I said playing with my fingers nervously.

"Please don't lie to us, Lexie." Sam said in a stern tone.

I sighed and looked at them, "Troy is here." I said simply.

"What?!" They both shout incredulously.

"Yeah and he said that we are together and we will always be." I said in a low voice. "He just wouldn't take no for an answer."

"That douche." Sam said looking annoyed.

I heard Stacy gasped, "What happened to your arm?" She asked, looking at my hand that was now turning red because of Troy's vice- like grip.

"Troy did that." I said, "He grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go." I said to them and their eyes widened with shock.

"Come on let's go home." Stacy decided after a minute.

We went back through the back door and head for the front door. From the lawn to the car, we had to step over bodies that was strung out on the lawn. We got to the car and Stacy drove us home.

Stacy dropped me at my house first and they both promised to call me tomorrow before they drove away.

I opened the front door and quietly went up the stairs because I didn't want to wake anyone up. When I reached my room, I changed out of my outfit and put on my pyjamas. I went to the bathroom to clean the makeup off my face and brushed my teeth.

I went in my bed, but I couldn't sleep. I kept replaying the days event in my head. Why was he back? I thought I got rid of him from my life? I sighed heavily and turned around in my bed. No matter what I do, I couldn't sleep and no matter how hard I tried, there was one thought that would not leave my mind.

Troy was back and was still claiming that I was his. What was he planning on doing? What did he want with me?

This just can't be happening!

A/N: Hola guys! I know, I know, it's a short chapter. Please don't hate me because I updated! Yayy!! What do you think of this chapter? Please comment below and let me know. I love hearing from my readers and remember, I read ALL comments.

Anyways, please vote, comment and share. Thank you guys and I love you all. Stay weird! ;)


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