Chapter 16: Hanging With The Boys

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Hanging With The Boys

I looked down at my stomach and realized that my stomach bruises that Troy gave me were showing. It was now turning black. I pulled down my top quickly. "It's nothing. I just hit a desk one day at school. You know... clumsy me." I said too quickly, chuckling nervously.

He looked at me with a curious expression. "That's a pretty nasty bruise for a desk." He stated suspiciously.

"Yeah. I hit it pretty hard." I said wishing he would drop the subject. He did not looked convinced and I hurried to change the subject. "I'm going home now. I'm feeling tired." I said yawning.

He nodded his head and followed me to the door. He offered to drive me home, but I declined. I told him goodbye and left to walk home. I really did not want Josh to find out about what Troy did to me because I know that all hell would break loose and plus I was ashamed and embarrassed. I don't even want to tell my parents and brother.

The way how I see it, the less people know, the better.


Today was Monday and I got a ride to school from my brother. When I reached school, I bid my brother goodbye and walked to the school's door.

Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Josh leaning on his car making out with a random girl. It looks like they were trying to eat each others faces off by the way they were going at it. His hands were just about to reach under her shirt, when I shook my head and looked away.

Eww! They are so gross. I would never understand how girls could be with him knowing he was a player.

I reached my locker and began taking out the books that I needed. I closed my locker and walked to Stacy's locker. Stacy was just closing her locker when I reached her.

"Hey girl." Stacy greeted, smiling at me.

"Hi." I smiled back. "Why don't I like Mondays? What's so different between it and the other days?" I asked sighing as we headed down the hall to maths class.

"I ask myself that question all the time." She replied. I sighed and shook my head. We reached our maths classroom before the teacher got there. When Mr. Hinds entered, he started his lesson on Trigonometry. I sat facing the teacher in anticipation. I loved maths, I think it is interesting to learn the formulas to solve equations. I would feel an adrenaline when I used the formula and I got an answer correct.

Mr. Hinds gave us a sheet with some math problems and I finished within 15 minutes. Stacy was beside me looking frustrated. She despised math. She told me once that some of the things we were learning will not be useful in real life so she doesn't see the point. I chuckled at her before I helped her with the equations that was giving her a hard time. Before I knew it, class ended and I was heading to history class. Now, this is my least favourite subject and I was barely scraping a 60% average.

During the entire class period, I tried to focused on what the teacher was saying without falling asleep. I looked at the clock to see that it was five minutes before the bell rang. I was hungry as well, so I began tapping my pen on the table impatiently. People gave me annoyed looks, but I continued nonetheless. Finally, the bell rang and I jumped from my seat and was the first one out the door.

I put my books in my locker quickly and headed to the cafeteria. I ordered my lunch and sat at our table, where my friends were already at. I sat beside Sam while Stacy was in front of me.

I gave my friends a quick smile before I bite into my cheese and ham sandwich. I groaned in pleasure. My school surely made the best sandwiches, ever. I looked up at my friends and they were looking at me weirdly.

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