Chapter 27: Fight

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"Do you have an hearing problem?!" He shouted at me. "I remember telling you to stay away from that boy!"

"You don't own me, Troy. I'm sick of you telling me what to do and you know what? I'm done listening." I said my own voice rising.

"You bitch!" He snapped and raised his hand. The next thing I know, I felt a sharp sting on my left cheek. Tears stung my eyes as I looked at him. He raised his hand again and I closed my eyes, but I never felt anything. I heard a loud grunt and I opened my eyes to see Josh's hands gripping Troy's shirt collar, pushing him up against the lockers.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" He shouted angrily. His eyes held fury and he looked murderous. I have never seen him this angry before. Troy then shoved Josh away from him and stepped away from the lockers. By now a large crowd has filled the hallway, taking in the fight.

Josh swung his arm out and punched Troy in the face. He fell to the ground from the force of the punch. I heard a sickening crack and I knew his nose must be broken. I flinched back into the lockers, covering my mouth with my hands. I looked at Troy and his nose was bleeding and his eyes held fury.

"You can't tell me what to do. I do what I damn well please because she is my girl! So, back off!" Troy snapped scrambling from the floor, stumbling a little. It was like something snapped in Josh as he tackled Troy back to the ground and began punching the shit out of him.

"You bastard!" Josh growled at him. It looked like Josh wasn't going to stop and Troy was getting weak. If Josh didn't stop, he was going to kill him.

I stepped forward and placed my hand gently on Josh's shoulder. His shoulders were tense under my touch. "Josh, stop now. He is not worth it." I said softly. He turned around and looked at me. The look in his eyes were so dangerous that anybody would be afraid, but I wasn't. It took a while of debating with himself, before I felt him relax. He stood up from the ground and looked at Troy one last time.

"Touch her again and you will live to regret it." Josh warned barely controlling his anger. "You think it's okay to hit a girl? You choose the wrong person to mess with. People like you makes me sick!" He turned around and looked at me his eyes softening. "Are you okay?" He asked running his eyes over me for any injury. I was still in shock from the invents of the fight, I knew I wouldn't find my voice so I just nodded my head. He then took my hands gently, pulling me from the scene. He head for the school doors and we both got into his car. I didn't question him as to why he was leaving school because I know that we couldn't stay in school after what just happened. Also, he wanted to cool down. We would probably get in trouble for ditching school but right now I didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here.

As he drove, I looked over at him and he was still angry. His hands were gripping the steering wheel and I saw a muscle in his jaw ticking. His knuckles that were bloody and raw were turning white from his tight grip. He drove us to his house and we both got out. Without saying a word, we entered his house.

"Let me get the first aid kit for your hands." I said and Josh put his hand on my arm to stop me.

"It's fine. I'm used to it." He said shaking his head.

"Josh, just let me fix your hands." I said, not leaving any room for an argument. Without a second thought, I placed him to sit on the couch while I went into the bathroom to look for a first aid kit. I was grateful that his mother was at work and his sister was at school. I really couldn't take any questions of why we weren't in school right now.

After I found the kit, I came back to the living room and sat beside Josh on the couch. I took his hands in mine and wiped his injured knuckles with a disinfected wipe. I heard him suck in a breath through his teeth because of the sting, but he relaxed after, like it was nothing. I then quietly wrapped a bandage around the bruise and got up to put back the kit. I came and sat beside him again and he turned to look at me and sighed.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He said softly. "I just couldn't control myself. When I saw him hit you, I just lost it." He placed his hand on my cheek that I knew was swollen and red by now.

"It's okay. I understand." I said giving him a small smile. He continued to rub my cheek and then he frowned.

"You sure you're okay? The swelling looks really bad." He said as he inspected my cheeks. His eyes were filled with worry and I nodded my head to reassure him. He sighed heavily. "I can't believe that bastard hit you. I should have came sooner." He added regretfully.

I lifted my hand and placed it on his on my cheek and looked into his eyes. "Josh, it wasn't your fault. There was nothing you could have done to prevent it from happening." I said and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest and he kissed the top of my head.

I closed my eyes, relaxing in Josh's embrace. I hope that what happened today taught Troy a lesson and he won't come near me again. Wiping the days events from my mind, I felt myself drifting off into a deep sleep.

A/N: Hey y'all!!

I hope you liked this chapter because I do. Please vote, comment and share. The person with the funniest comment will get a dedication. Until next time, I love you all!!

Stay safe! xoxo


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