Chapter 14: An Encounter With The Bitch

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(Picture to the side/top is Erica)

An Encounter With The Bitch

I did not get a lot of sleep the previous night, because my thoughts kept going to what would happen now that Troy is at our school. I got ready for school quickly in order to leave out early because I was planning on walking. I left my house at 7:30 to reach school for 8:00 because I knew it only took twenty minutes to get to school.

Half way on my journey, a car pulled up and I looked up as the person rolled down the passenger side window. I saw that it was Josh.

"Hey Lexie! Need a ride?" He said, wearing that smile that I like so much.

I nodded and got in the car. I was really grateful for the offer, because I didn't think I could walk anymore. I really needed my own car. We drove in a comfortable silence and within five minutes, we pulled up in the parking lot. There were a lot of people lingering in the parking lot because there was still another ten minutes left before the bell rang.

When I stepped out of Josh's car, everyone was staring at us. Probably wondering why I arrived in the bad boy's car. Oh gosh! I really do hate attention. I told Josh thanks and hurried to the door, while he went to his friends. When I was inside, I speed-walked to my locker to get my books. I closed my locker and turned around to see my friends walking towards me. I smiled and hugged them both.

"You know people are talking about you." Sam said as we walked to English class.

"Yeah, about that; when did you and Josh became so chummy?" Stacy asked confused.

"I don't know. Maybe it has to do with me spending the day with him yesterday." I shrugged then sighed. "I can't take this attention. I hope that by the end of the day, something else comes up to hold their attention." I said.

Last night after I read the text, I called Stacy and Sam in conference to talk about what really happened with Troy. They told me that Troy came up to Stacy - he knew Stacy from when we were dating - and asked her for me. She told him that I was not at school and he did not say anything after that. Stacy went and told Sam instantly and then they called and texted me immediately.

After that, I told them about my day with Josh and they couldn't stop asking questions. We talked about every foolish things until it was late and we rang off. Even though it was late, I still couldn't go to sleep after.

We went in English class just as the bell rang. We took our seats and the lesson began. After English, I split with the girls to go to history class. I was glad that so far I haven't encountered Troy or had any class with him.

Class went by quickly and it was now lunch time. I was walking to the cafeteria when someone blocked my way. I looked up to see Erica standing in front of me with a scowl on her face. Her minions were behind her like they were her lap dogs.

"Erhm....can I do something for you?" I said lifting my eyebrows impatiently at her.

"As a matter of fact bitch, yes." She said, her overly red lips turned up into a sneer.

I looked at her confused and waited for her to say what she had to say so I could get lunch because I was getting hungry. She stepped closer to me and jabbed her finger on my chest.

"Don't pretend like you are confused, little nerd. You know what you did. Just let me tell you one thing, bitch; stay away from Josh. He doesn't want you, he is mine." She said with a lot of venom in her voice.

I looked at her. Seriously, she thought I wanted Josh. I couldn't help but laugh. "I don't want Josh, so you don't have anything to worry about." I said.

"I'm serious bitch. If I ever see you with him again, you will regret it." She threatened me. She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulder and brushed passed me, hitting my shoulder in the process. Her minions followed after her. Dumb lap dogs, I thought.

I head to the cafeteria and went up to the line to order my lunch and then went to our table to sit with my friends.

"What took you so long?" Stacy asked.

I told them about my run-in with Erica and they were as upset as I was. I had to calm Stacy down as she was tempted to go over to Erica's table and tell her a piece of her mind. Yes, that was Stacy for you. We continued to eat, when I happened to look up and caught someone staring at me. It was Troy. Why was he just staring at me like that?

Creepy much.

When the bell rang, we got up to throw away our trash and head to class. The rest of the day went by quickly and it was now time to go home. Stacy offered me a ride, but I told her that I was going to the library to finish up a homework assignment that was due tomorrow and to catch up on my notes that I missed yesterday.

I went to the library and got my homework done. An hour later I was ready to leave. I went to the book section of the library to get some books to borrow from the library. I love reading and I've read all the books at home already, so I did not have anything to read. After I signed for the books, I told the librarian bye and headed downstairs and through the hallway. As I walked, I suddenly turned around when I heard a noise behind me. When I turned around, I saw Troy a few distance away.

"Hello beautiful. Did you miss me?" He said a smirk on his lips.

"What do you want Troy? Wait. Did you wait on me?" I asked incredulously, although I was not shocked because that was something he would do.

He ignored my question and closing the distance between us, he stop in front of me. "Glad to know that you miss me too. Don't worry, I will always be here now." He said moving closer.

"You are sick!" I spat at him. I moved to turn away, but he grabbed my arm before I could go anywhere.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you should not run away from me?" He said angrily and then his eyes turned dangerous. "Does it have anything to do with that boy I saw you with today in the parking lot? Is he your new boyfriend?" He asked shaking me.

"Troy, please let me go." I begged. He shoved me and I stumbled backwards. I felt my back connected with the locker. He walked over to me and slapped me in the face. I cried out in pain. He then raised his hands again and punched me in the stomach twice and then shoved me to the floor.

"You are mine. I don't want to see you with anyone else. Do you hear me?" He spat angrily. "If I see you with him again, you will see the worst of me." With that he turned on his heel and left me on the ground.

I held my stomach that was now in pain and I felt tears run down my cheeks. I sat up in a sitting position and cried.

A/N: Hey guys! Another update? Am I great or am I great? Let me know what you think of this chapter. Please remember to comment, vote and share. Love you guys loads <3


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