Chapter 37: Jealousy

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The next day at school, we were all sitting at our table in the cafeteria eating lunch. I was so glad when I saw they had pizza today. I love pizza and I was glad because I was not in a good mood since morning. It's safe to say that today was definitely not my day.

First, I left my English homework at home and the teacher called me out in front of the whole class. Then, in maths, I was going back to my seat from the teacher's desk, when one of Erica's minions stuck her foot out and I almost fell, sending my math book flying through the air and to the floor. I was so mad, but the teacher was in the class, so I couldn't do anything about it. I was so glad when lunch came around so I could finally eat. This is food we are talking about and food solves all problems. Well, at least in my book.

I was currently eating my second slice of pizza that I had ordered, when I felt a nudge in my side. I looked to my right at Stacy, who was the one that poked me in my side.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We were trying to get your attention. Were you even listening to the conversation?" Stacy asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course I was listening!" I defended.

"Okay then. What were we talking about?" Stacy asked folding her arms over her chest.

"Um...that the...okay, okay! I didn't hear." I admitted becoming frustrated.

"Why are you so distracted, Lexie?" Sam asked from across the table.

"I'm having a bad morning. I just want to eat my lunch." I said sighing heavily.

"Why? What happened?" Ryder asked, who was sitting on the right of Sam.

"Don't even ask!" I said louder than I intended. Ryder looked at me with wide eyes, surprise by my outburst.

I sighed. "I'm sorry, Ryder. I really didn't mean to shout at you."

"Nah! It's okay. You just surprised me that's all." Ryder answered waving away my apology.

"You must really be upset, Cupcake." Josh said beside me and I nodded.

"You have no idea." I replied.

"I know what will cheer you up." Josh said grinning.

"What's that?" I asked.

"You'll have to wait and see. Just meet me by my car after school." He said.

"Okay." I answered, wondering what he had in mind. I continued to eat my lunch and this time I made sure I paid attention to the conversation. They were talking about Christmas and what they were planning on doing over the Christmas break.


I met Josh by his car as promised and we left the parking lot. Ten minutes later, he pulled up at a small cafe name 'Sweet Treats'. We exited the car and walked up to the front door. As we entered the small cafe, the smell of cakes, pies, cinnamon roll and coffee filled my nostrils. It smelled heavenly. Josh lead me to a booth in the back and we sat down.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked as I looked around the cozy place.

"Well, I spotted this cafe a few weeks ago and I decided to bring you here because I know how much you love cupcakes." He explained as he smiled at me across the table. "They sell the best cupcakes."

"They have cupcakes and you're getting me cupcakes?" I asked getting excited. I really love cupcakes.

Josh chuckled at my excitement and nodded. "Yes. A cupcake for my cupcake." He said winking at me.

"Thank you so much, Josh." I said smiling back at him.

"No problem." He replied. A waiter came up to our table sporting a small smile. He looked to be our age and the name on his tag that was on his shirt read, 'Xavier'.

"Hello, welcome to Sweet Treats. What can I get you?" He asked never taking his eyes from me.

"I'll have two cupcakes with strawberry cream and sprinkles and a cup of coffee please." I said.

"Okay sure." Xavier said winking at me. "And you?" He asked Josh, but his eyes never left mine.

Josh was scowling and shooting daggers at him but Xavier was too busy looking at me to notice. "I want a muffin and an iced tea." Joshua ground out through his teeth, but Xavier was not paying attention.

"Hello! Did you get my order?" Josh asked impatiently. The boy snapped out of his daze by Josh's voice and wrote his order down on the notepad he was holding.

"Yes, of course. I'll be back with your orders." He smiled at me again before he walked away.

"Dumbass." Josh mumbled under his breath after Xavier was from earshot. "That boy needs to learn how to do his job."

"What's wrong with you?" I asked him.

"Didn't you see that Looney flirting with you?" He answered making up his face in annoyance.

"Oh come on. It was harmless flirting." I replied.

"Harmless flirting?! You call that harmless flirting? He was practically undressing you with his eyes!" He said gesturing with his hands.

"You're jealous. You don't have any reason to be jealous, Josh." I said smiling reassuringly.

"I'm not jealous. I just didn't like how he was looking at you." He said glaring in the direction that the waiter disappeared.

"You are jealous! It's cute." I said still grinning at him.

"Okay fine, I'm jealous. I mean, come on, this clown was blatantly checking you out." Josh said. "He had no shame."

I giggled at his behaviour. "Don't be silly." I smiled at him. "He can flirt all he wants, it wouldn't make a difference because you are the only boy I want."

Josh seemed to relax by my words and smiled back at me. The waiter came back just then with our orders.

"Here you go." He said putting a tray in front of Josh and then he turned to me with a charming smile. "And here you go, beautiful." I noticed that he slipped a piece of paper beside my tray. His phone number, no doubt. Josh saw too and stretched over to my side and took up the piece of paper and crumbled it in his hand. He then turned to the waiter and gave him a look that could kill.

A/N: Hey guys!

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