Chapter 23: Hurt Feelings

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Hurt Feelings

Josh's POV

I stood in the middle of the hallway and watched her leave. I watched until she was out of sight. I was shocked by what she had said and I couldn't help but think and search my brain about what I could have done for her not to be talking to me. Was it because of the kiss? Did I scare her? I knew it wasn't the right time to kiss her but I couldn't help myself. All I could think about was her soft lips on mine and how much I wanted to kiss her again.

This girl has gotten to me more than any other girl had before and it scared me at first. I knew she was special the day I took her to my place of solace. I don't know why I took her there, but I just felt the need to. The day when we finished our assignment, I felt bad because I knew I wouldn't have a reason to spend time with her anymore. For some reason, I love being with her. She makes me forget everyone else except her. She makes me laugh and that had scared me too. To top it off, when she is around me, I become nervous and I am never nervous.

God, this girl was driving me insane!

I wanted so bad to kiss her at the amusement park, but I didn't because I wanted to deny the connection I was having with her. I wanted to ignore the feelings I was having. So I ran. I avoided her in the hallways and tried to kiss other girls to make me forget about her. It didn't help, I just kept thinking about her.

Yesterday when I kissed her, I realized I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. There was something about her that keeps pulling me to her. I love seeing her smile and how her big brown eyes light up when she laughs. I always feel the need to tease her to get a reaction, which was always cute. It seems that I always want to be close to her and that's when I came to the realization. I like her. I like her a whole lot. After our kiss yesterday, I smiled for the rest of the day and I couldn't wait to see her again. I knew I've never felt this way about a girl before and I knew I didn't want to hurt her. Before, I hadn't been the nicest person to her so I just wanted to take it slow so she can trust me.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Snapping out of my thoughts, I turned around to see Ashton looking at me with a worried expression.

"Are you okay, man?" He asked, indicating for us to walk.

"Yeah." I said forcing a smile, but Ashton saw right through it. After all, he knew me better than anyone else. We grew up together like brothers.

"Is it about Lexie?" He asked. "I see the way you look at her. You like her don't you?"

I looked at him and I knew I couldn't lie to him, so I nodded my head. "Yeah." I said running my hands through my hair. I really didn't know what to do. This was new territory for me.

"So what's the matter?" He asked confused.

"Everything was going fine, but just a while ago she told me that it's best if we don't see each other." I said frowning. I still don't get it, she was acting okay this morning.

Ashton's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "That is weird. So why don't you ask her about it?"

"She won't even talk to me, dude. When I asked her, she said I should just forget it." I said. I was already late for my last class and I didn't even care. "I'm skipping. You in?" I asked Ashton, hoping to change the subject.

"Hell yeah." He said and we both head to the back of the school where we would hang out when we skipped class.

When we reached there, we saw both Ryder and Brandon goofing off. Apparently, they have decided to skip their class as well. They both looked up when we neared them.

"Hey dudes." Ashton and I said, bumping our fist with them as a way of greeting.

"Hey man." Brandon said leaning back on the wall once more.

"Hey guys." Ryder said, grinning at us.

"So what's new?" Ashton asked both Ryder and Brandon.

"Brandon here." Ryder said smirking in Brandon's direction and patting him on the shoulder. "Has the hots for a girl."

"Would you shut your yap?" Brandon said scowling at him, but I noticed a slight blush tinting his cheeks.

"Who is this girl?" I asked slapping him on the back. However, he ignored me.

"The new girl." Ryder supplied. By my look of confusion, he added. "Red eyes. Ring a bell?"

"Samantha?!" Ashton and I shouted at the same time. Ryder nodded and we both smirked. This was good. This was really good. It's not everyday that Brandon likes a girl and when he does, it's a big deal.

We began to tease him about it and push him to talk to her. He just ignored us and pretended like it was nothing, but we knew better.

"You're saying I should talk to Samantha. What about you and Lexie?" Brandon said, a smirk forming on his lips. Of course he figure out my feelings as well. He was turning the attention from himself and putting it on me.

"Well, that's a lost case because she won't even talk to me." I said remembering our conversation in the hallway. I was trying to forget about Lexie, but it was not easy and no matter what I try, my thoughts would go back to her. She doesn't want to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her and that hurts like hell.

The guys aside from Ashton was looking at me with a quizzical expression and I sighed and told them everything. I didn't hide anything from them because we have been through a lot together and I would trust them with my life. They all pat me on the back to tried and cheer me up.

"You should talk to her. I think something's up." Brandon said.

I looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

He shrugged. "I don't know. It's just a feeling I've got. Just talk to her."

I nodded by head and sighed. "Okay, I will try." I answered.

Our little gang started out with Ashton and I because we grew up together. We met Ryder in freshman year and he fit right in. He was a flirt and was always goofing off, but that was what made him, him. It was later Brandon joined when he came as a new student in sophomore year. Even though, he was quiet most of the time, it became evidently clear that he was one of us. It's been the four of us ever since and we lived like brothers. You mess with one of us, you mess with all.

For the rest of the period, we joked and talked about any and everything. When the bell rang, we all split up to go home. I went to the parking lot and sighed when I thought about how I planned on asking Lexie to go on a date with me today. I have never dated before and I was nervous to ask. Normally, I would hook up with a girl and that was it. With Lexie, it was different. I wanted to get to know her and I wanted to be the guy who was there for her.

The parking lot was now getting crowded and I looked around hoping to spot her. After a minute of looking, I finally spotted her. She was walking with her head down, passing the parking lot and turned in the direction of her house. I was tempted to go to her, but I knew I couldn't. She had made it clear that she didn't want to see me. I sighed again and entered the driver's side of my car and drove in the direction of my house.

I don't know why she was not talking to me, but one thing I knew for certain. I didn't intend to lose this girl so easily. I was going to fight for what I wanted.

And I wanted her.

A/N: Hey munchkins! How are yah doing? Hope your answers are fine. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I know it was short. Please forgive me 😖

Please comment your thoughts. Don't be a silent reader. I love you all and I would like to know what you are thinking. This chapter is dedicated to my new follower glimmergirl19 Thanks for the follow girl!

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