Chapter 19: A Day At The Amusement Park (Part 2)

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A Day At The Amusement Park (Part 2)

After sitting for a while, I finally stand up. "Come on Jay Jay. Let's go on the bounce-a-bout." I said to him. I looked over at Jillian and a thought popped into my head. I would really like to see her smile, so I'm bringing her along. "You want to come with us, Jill?"

She looked up at me with uncertainty in her big blue eyes. "It would be fun." I tried to convince her. "I will go on it with you." I added when she hesitated.

She tilted her head to the side and said softly, "But it's a kids' ride," with a confused look on her face.

"What?" I asked dramatically. "Who told you that?" She didn't answer so I took her hand and gently pulled her to the bounce-a-bout with Jason. Josh followed silently behind. I gave the man three tickets and I went on the bounce-a-bout with Jason and a reluctant Jillian.

I grabbed her hand and jumped up and down with her. After a while, she cracked a smile and then she was full on laughing, enjoying herself without a care in the world. I let go of her hand, allowing her to jump by herself. I then came off the bounce-a-bout and watched her and my brother enjoying themselves. Josh came and stood beside me.

"Wow! How did you do that?" He asked looking at his sister enjoying herself with the other kids. "She hasn't been on a ride in a while. Hell! She hasn't enjoyed herself like this since...." He trailed off. He didn't have to finish the sentence, I knew what he was going to say. I just shrugged. It really was nothing. I knew that the little girl was in there somewhere, she just needed a little nudge to get her out again.

At that moment Josh turned and looked at me. "Thanks, Lexie...just thanks. I really appreciate what you did for her." He said softly looking at me with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

I smiled at him. "No problem." I looked back at Jillian and she was laughing hysterically now. She looked over at her brother and waved, a big smile on her face. He waved back to her. I was happy to see her laughing. She was a delightful little girl and she deserved to be happy not depressed.

When their time was up, Jason and Jillian jumped off and ran towards us. "I want to go on a next ride, Lexie!" Jillian said to me, her eyes shinning with excitement.

"Well, come on then." I said smiling at her. We went on countless more rides and then I decided that I wanted to play a game. We went up to a booth where they had a lot of stuffed animals ranging from small to large. The aim of the game was to use the rifle given to shoot arrows at the targets without hitting the ducks. If you hit all targets, you will get a large stuffed animal.

I gave the man a token and he handed me a rifle. After a lot of trials and failure, I gave up. I heard Josh laughing at me and I glared at him.

"Let me try." He said still chucking. He gave the man another token and took the rifle from me. He successfully hit all the targets and he turned to me and grinned. The man asked him to choose a stuffed animal. He chose a big brown teddy bear and I was surprised when he turned and gave it to me.

"For you." He said bowing dramatically with a smile on his face.

"Really? Thanks." I said grabbing the teddy bear from him. He just laughed at my reaction. After a couple more games we decided to meet up with the girls. I saw them at the ice-cream booth and I waved them over.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked them when they reached us.

"Yep." They both said. I got out my phone to call Andrew when Josh stopped me.

"You want me to give you girls a ride home? We are leaving now anyways." He asked us. We all agreed and I called my brother to let him know that I was leaving with Josh. Josh texted his friends to informed them that he was leaving. We all got in Josh's car and left the amusement park.

Josh brought Sam and Stacy home first. He was leaving Stacy's house when I turned to him and asked hesitantly. "Do you want to stay at my house for a little bit?"

I know that it was weird to ask him to stay at my house for a bit but for some reason I enjoyed spending time with him and I didn't want to be home by myself just yet. After all, it was just after five.

"Sure." He said. "Just let me drop off Jillian first." He indicate to her in the backseat, where she was asleep beside Jason. After dropping off Jillian he brought me home and we went into the house. I told him to wait in the living room and to chose a movie to watch while I put Jason to bed. When I went back downstairs, I was glad when I saw that he had chosen an action movie instead of a horror movie. I really couldn't deal with that right now.

After the movie was finished, we sat down in silence when Josh turned and looked at me with a mischievous smile on his face. "Let's play 21 questions." He replied.

I nodded. "Okay, I'll go first. What is your favourite colour?"

"Seriously, that's what you are asking me?" I just stared at him. "Fine. It's dark blue and black. What about you?"


"Okay. Favourite series?" He asked.

"Pretty Little Liars. You?" I asked.

He made a face at my response, but didn't say anything. "The Vampire Diaries."

We continued with more questions that were easy answers and we laughed at each other's responses.

"Okay, favourite dessert?" He asked smirking at me with a knowing look.

"As you already know, cupcakes. And yours?" I asked.

"Pie. Okay, next question." He said thinking. "Who is your favourite actor?"

"Dylan O'Brien of course. He's hot." I said dreamily.

He scoffed, "Oh please. I don't understand what people see in him."

"You did not just say that." I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Yes I did. You want to see hot? Just look at me." He said pointing at himself cockily.

"Sure you are." I said sarcastically, but I knew that I was lying. He was hot but I would never admit that to him. "You are no where near hot."

He narrowed his eyes playfully at me. "Take that back." He said challengingly.

"Never." I said laughing at his expression. He lunged for me but I jumped off the couch before he could catch me. He got up and chased me around the living room. I screamed when I looked behind me and saw that he was close behind. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, so I tripped over my feet and fell to the floor, the same time he grabbed me by my waist and the both of us fell down with him on top of me.

"Get off me, you fatty." I laughed in his face.

"Oh, so now I'm fat." He said and I laughed even more. After my laughing died down, I became very aware of our position. I looked up at him to see that he was staring at me intently. The air in the room had changed and we were both aware of it. He moved one of his hands that was on the floor beside my head and brushed a strand of my hair from my face. I bit my lip nervously and I felt my breath catch in my throat when his gaze landed on my lips. I saw his eyes got darker and he began to lean closer to me.

Oh my God, he was going to kiss me! What scared me the most was that I wanted him to.

AN: Hey Guys!

Hmmm....thinks are getting interesting with Josh and Lexie. What do you think? Please share your thoughts.

I hope you liked this chapter :)

Please stat safe ❤


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