Chapter 3

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The next day at school I had decided to ignore absolutely everything. Especially Jeremy. I covered my bruise with makeup and my lip had somehow healed when I was asleep. I guess the ointment I put on it helped.

When I got to school, I quickly gathered my books from my locker. I was early so I wouldn't run into Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb. AKA: Ashley and Brad. I ran to the library to avoid seeing them at all costs. As much as they hated me, they would never go to the library.

I get to the library and work on the homework I couldn't do last night. I find it unbelievable that after I spent my entire night cleaning and cooking for my dad, and I couldn't even do my homework. That's another reason why I came to school early. Even if my grade is good as it is, I'd rather do my homework than get detention or something. One of the teacher's that gave me homework actually does that. She gives you detention if you don't do homework.

I finish all of my homework just as the bell rings. I collect my things and rush to my first class without any trouble. Thank God.

All of my classes went by surprisingly fast. Even lunch did. Now comes the class I dreaded most. Science. I walk slowly to science, not wanting to be there any longer than I have to. I walk in to see Jeremy sitting at his usual spot next to mine, tapping his finger on the desk. I walk over slowly and sit down just as the late bell rings. Mr. Toms comes into the classroom, starting to lecture us like every day.

"I need to talk to you after class." Jeremy whispers to me. I sigh, knowing I did. I've been dreading this all day. I don't want to talk to him. He would ask me why I wanted so badly to hide my face from him. I just know it. People don't usually do that unless something happened. Which it did, but I'm not gonna tell him that. I nod and pull out my sketch book, deciding to draw another mythical being.

After drawing a few sirens, I look at the clock. One minute left of class. I quickly put my things in my bag and wait impatiently. As soon as the bell rings, I shoot up from my desk and run out of the room. I hear Jeremy calling my name and immediately get déjà vu. I only make it half way down the crowded hall before being pulled back by my wrist. I flinch at the gesture. I understand he just wants to speak with me, but when someone does anything that has to do with touching me, I flinch.

"Willow. Stop." Jeremy says sternly as he turns me around to face him. I look at the ground and he sighs. He drags me by my wrist to the school garden. This is the only place in the school that I ever want to go to. It's a quiet place and not many people come here. It's a great place to clear my mind and sketch if I want to. Jeremy sits me down on a bench and sits beside me. He holds my wrist tightly as he studies my face with squinted eyes.

"Why did you run away from me last night?" He asks, still studying my face. I gulp, knowing if I don't answer, he'll just keep me here longer.

"I don't know." I answer sheepishly.

"Yes, you do know. Willow, if there's something wrong, I wanna know. Is it Ashley and Brad? Did they hurt you?" He asks worriedly.

"Why do you care? It shouldn't matter to you if I get hurt or not." I say, avoiding the questions as much as possible.

"Willow, I- well, uh, you just seem r-really nice and I'd like to b-be your friend." He answers sheepishly and my eyes widen. He wants to be my friend? No, no. My father would kill us... but does he have to know?

"Really?" I ask quietly. I probably look like a lost puppy who's begging, but I don't care. This is the first person who's ever wanted to be my friend before.

"Really. Willow, I'm so happy I moved here. If I didn't, I wouldn't have met you." He says as his hand on my wrist moves to hold my hand.

"Jeremy, we've known each other for two days. You don't even know me." I say as I look at our hands. He holds it tightly, like I might go away if he lets go.

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