Chapter 15

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Jeremy's POV:

It's been ten days.

Ten days since Willow was put into the hospital.

Ten days of pure torture for my family and I. My mom isn't speaking to anyone. Chase goes out with his friends to ignore the situation. My dad's just trying to keep everyone together. I'm a complete wreck.

Willow hasn't woken up in ten days. Her condition isn't stable. The doctors say she might be in a coma. I've been talking to her. Telling her how much she means to me and that I need her to wake up. I haven't left her side willingly. The doctors would have to call in security to get me out. Even then, it wouldn't be easy for them.

I haven't seen Chase in days, not that I care. The only thing that bothers me is that I haven't ever seen him like this before. He's never acted like this for anyone. Once, one of his friends was hit by a car, but he visited him and tried to help as much as he could. That wasn't that long ago either.

By now, it's midnight. My parents are sitting in chairs a few feet away, sleeping. All of a sudden, the door opens. I don't move as I hold Willow's hand tightly in mine. Chase stumbles in, looking like he hasn't slept in days. He glances at me before staring at Willow. He picks up a chair and carries it to the other side of the bed. He puts it down quietly and sits beside her. He sighs and grabs her other hand, making me become protective. Usually I wouldn't let him touch her, but he looks like he needs her almost as much as I do.

"Has she woken up yet?" He asks quietly.

"No." I answer despite my dry throat. He takes a deep breath before nodding. We sit in silence for a while before I feel something. Willow's hand twitched. My eyes widen as I let go of her hand and watch her fingers move slightly.

"Willow?" I ask, watching her carefully. I stay silent until I hear a quiet groan.

"Willow. Oh my gosh." Chase says quietly. Willow moves her head a bit as her eyes slowly open.

"Willow! Mom! Dad! Wake up!" Chase shouts, standing up. I stay sitting as she stirs awake.

"Hmm?" She hums, her voice cracking. She opens her beautiful green eyes fully and stares at me.

"Jeremy?" She asks before coughing. I quickly grab the glass of water on the night stand and bring it to her lips. She takes a few gulps before finishing the glass of water.

"Willow, I'm so glad you're awake. I-I-" I stutter, ignoring the commotion behind me. My parents appear on the other side of her as Chase stands next to me. I carefully hug Willow as my eyes water. I pull away from her just enough to connect my lips with hers. Oh how I missed her sweet, soft lips. We break apart and grin at each other. My parents start speaking to her as my mom hugs her. I finally have her back.

Willow's POV:

"Hello?" I call out into the dark void. I squint as I try to make anything out in the darkness. After viewing some of my memories, I was brought to this place.

I slowly turn around to see a light space. Everything on this side was foggy, but light.

"Is anyone there?" I shout into the light space. I turned back around to look into the darkness. I could finally see something or, more importantly, someone emerging from the darkness. I gasp at who I see. Mom. Before I could rush over to her, someone else emerged from behind her. A woman and a man whom I've never seen before. They look slightly familiar, but not enough to remind me who they were. The woman had long brown hair, bright blue eyes, pale skin, and pink lips that formed a small smile. The man had dirty blonde hair and green eyes that resembled mine. They both looked fairly young, in their mid-thirties maybe?

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