Chapter 14

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"Hey Angel!" Jeremy greets as I walk into our science class, using one of my many nicknames he's given me. I sit down beside him, taking my notebook out.

"Hi Jeremy." I sigh in happiness as he kisses my cheek. He side hugs me, and I lean into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Glad it's the end of the week?" He asks before kissing the top of my head.

"Definitely. TGIF." I reply quietly as Mr. Toms enters the room. He starts to lecture us once again as I cuddle into Jeremy's side. I somehow figure out how to sketch while staying in this position. I decide to sketch something a bit different. An idea pops in my head, making me start sketching immediately.

By the time the bell rings, I've finished my sketch of the place where Jeremy and I shared our first kiss. Jeremy's been watching me sketch this whole time and has been asking me what I was sketching. Well, now that it's done, I'm sure he can figure that out himself.

"Willow, it's beautiful." He says breathlessly. I smile at him as I remember that day under the cherry tree. A moment I'll remember forever.

"Thanks, Jeremy." I say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. At the last second, he moves his head slightly, so I end up kissing his lips instead. He wraps his arms around my waist as I rest mine on his chest while holding onto his shoulders. Someone clears their throat, making us break apart. We look towards Mr. Toms who's smirking at us. My cheeks burn as I gather my things. Jeremy and I grab our bags before leaving as quickly as possible. As soon as the door closes behind us, we start laughing.

"What's so funny?" A familiar voice asks curiously. We both stop laughing after a few seconds and look up to see Chase. He stares at me with that unreadable expression again. Is there somewhere I can look up that expression? It confuses me and fills me with curiosity.

"Nothing, Chase." Jeremy's says his brother's name with hatred. Chase glares at Jeremy as I stand there awkwardly, waiting for a fight to break out. I know it's gonna happen. It always does...

"Listen-" Chase starts. My phone rings, interrupting him.

"Uh, hold on." I say, pulling out my phone. I really don't wanna move away from them. As long as I'm in the middle, they won't fight.

"Hello?" I ask after answering my phone.

"Hello, Willow." A familiar voices growls, making me gasp as my eyes widen. Richard. I can't even speak. Jeremy and Chase watch me intently, concerned.

"I see I've left you speechless. How are your wounds holding up?" He asks, every word laced with hatred. I carefully bring my hand up to my stomach, guarding the still-healing wound.

"Well, my stab wound is fine. Thanks for asking." He says. I gulp, my mind filling with questions. I remove my hand from my stomach and place it on my head, holding it to stop the pain.

"Willow, Willow, Willow. You didn't think this was over, did you?" He asks mischievously. I try to keep my eyes open as I lean on Jeremy for support, not wanting to drift into consciousness. He wraps his arms around me, trying to get my phone out of my hands. I hold it away from him and snap out of my trance. I quickly grab both Jeremy and Chase's arms and drag them to a secluded area of the school as Richard stays quiet for a while. After we get to the garden, I put the phone on speaker.

"What the hell do you want from me?" I ask, wanting the guys to hear his response.

"Everything you ever loved. I want you to suffer." Richard responds, making me glare at my phone. As soon as Jeremy hears his voice, he grabs my phone. Chase looks at me, confused, but turns his attention to the phone.

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