Chapter 01

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It was the last day of first semester. In just over an hour, school would end for two whole weeks. It was lunchtime, and everybody was talking about their plans for the winter holidays or the celebration party at one of the seniors' house. I was only in year nine and wasn't planning to go to the party.

I looked around for one of my friends, Kayleigh, as she was at the canteen, buying both our lunches. I spotted her walking to our table, where I sat, with Chad McMurray walking with her. He had a shy look on his face, but when he looked up and saw me looking at him, his frown was replaced by a huge smile which made me duck my head.

I'd only had a major crush on Chad for like, the whole time I'd been at Hawthorn Secondary College, which happened to be about two and a half years. My crush didn't make sense; he was two years my senior and one of my brother's best friends. He was probably one of the most popular kids in school and probably wasn't attracted to me whatsoever. That didn't stop me from totally adoring him though.

I was woken from my reverie when Kayleigh sat down across from me and handed me my lunch. I noticed Chad standing behind her and gave her a questioning look. My look obviously triggered something in her memory.

"Oh, Nasa, I almost forgot! Chad here," she directed her hands to the subject of her sentence, "wants to talk to you." Her eyes widened with anticipation: she knew of my crush.

"O...kay," I replied, confused. "What do you want to say Chad?" Just saying his name made my whole nervous system tingle.

"Umm, do you mind talking in private?" His voice was so deep and sexy which made it hard to resist its request.

"Sure," I replied, euphoria evident in my voice.

I got up and he directed for me to follow him. I could feel Kayleigh's eyes staring at us both, but I didn't turn around.

Chad led us to a doorway which was cut through the gym's wall so nobody could see us. It was a small space and so he'd probably be able to hear the pounding of my heart. I looked at his face, and it was perfect in every way. He had a squared jaw and perfect skin that stretched evenly over his cheekbones. His blonde hair was a messy stack of straw atop his head. I saved his eyes for last as I knew I'd get lost swimming in his bright blue eyes. They were perfect like the calm Australian oceans.

"Nasettia," the way he pronounced my name sounded as though his voice was caressing it. He didn't say anything else, though I could see his words stuck on his tongue.

"Yes...?" I replied after a minute's silence.

"Umm, I just wanted to know whether you were going to Jack's party tonight."

Jack must've been the senior who was hosting the party. I wasn't expecting Chad's question at all. "I wasn't planning on going." I saw his sapphire eyes tighten as he heard my answer. "Was there a reason why you wanted to know?"

His response, I did not expect, but it was something I'd dreamed of for so long. He took my face in his hands and brought his lips to mine.

Chad's lips moved fearlessly and urgent whilst mine were frozen in shock, but when his mouth didn't move away from mine, I had a shot at kissing him back. I didn't know if I was doing it right, but at that moment I simply didn't care.

I managed to move my hands up and around his neck. His hands moved down my back and he lifted my up so that he didn't have to bend down. I wrapped my legs around his waist as my first kiss continued blissfully.

After what seemed like only seconds since our kiss began came the "Ahem!" of a voice I knew very well. I pulled away from Chad's lips, but he continued kissing down my jaw line and neck.

That Was Unexpected! (Unexpected, #1)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum