Chapter 07

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The first month of my unexpected pregnancy passed without any catastrophes. I'd moved into the simple routine of school and helping out at home with Dad and Becky.

Dallas had called occasionally, but life seemed to be just as monotonous as ever in Hawthorn East. Kayleigh and the others on the other hand, hadn't called me since the day after I left. I'd tried calling them a couple of times, but they never picked up or returned my calls. I didn't mind too much, Courtney was a better friend than any of them had ever been.

Since meeting him in the supermarket, Taylor sat behind Courtney and I on the bus ride to and from school every day. He was also disappointed that I followed the Hawks. Over the weeks, I'd grown to really like Taylor. He and Courtney would have to be the nicest people in the whole universe.

At lunch times, Sophie, Hayley, Zac, Josh, Courtney and I would sit under the same gum tree as on the first day. Here, we would talk about the melodramatic dramas that consumed our lives and other insignificant things. Sophie, Hayley and Courtney would spy on various guys who were 'hot' - as they described them. Naturally, Zac and Josh were weirded out by this and would often be left to talk to me. I didn't mind - they were fun to hang around.

Over the past few days, I'd started getting occasional morning sickness. Waking up to chuck my guts every morning wasn't the nicest of ways I could imagine to start my mornings.

I knew that in a few months I'd be starting to show a baby-bump. I knew I could trust Courtney and the others, and so I was planning to tell Courtney this weekend; she had arranged for a sleepover for me at her house.

I headed down stairs at about midday on Saturday to see if Dad was okay to drive me to Courtney's. He was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the local newspaper.

"You right to go Dad?" I asked, bringing him back to reality.

"Sure thing honey," he replied as he folded up the newspaper and headed for the front door.

We walked to the station wagon - I had somehow become used to the force needed to open and close the doors.

Dad drove into town and headed up Shelford-Bannockburn Road. We didn't go far when Dad turned onto a dirt road - just like the one that led to my house.

We eventually turned into a long driveway that led to a weatherboard house. It was a one-storey house and had a country feel about it. Dad pulled up at the house and left as he had to pick up Becky from somewhere.

I watched Dad drive away before turning to the little white house. I walked to the front door and knocked three times. I heard the sound of someone heaving themselves up off of a sofa and walking over to the door.

The door was yanked back to reveal Taylor in all his gorgeous glory. He stretched a huge smile across his face before saying, "Hey Nassy! Come on in!"

"Thanks," I replied, a little dazed. I stepped into a small lounge room - well smaller than mine. It was probably average-sized for a regular house. The television was turned off, the stereo was turned off; everything was turned off. What was Taylor doing? Reading? I couldn't imagine Taylor being one for reading - but then, I could be hugely wrong.

"Courtney's just gone into town with Mum, so I guess I'll have to provide you with entertainment for the next fifteen minutes or so," he said, smiling as he always did. I'd never become used to the shock of his stunning smile in the weeks since we'd first met.

"Okay then... What were you doing before I got here?" I asked. I was extremely curious.

"Umm, well, I was just playing some music actually," he answered shyly.

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